
Ive noticed that all cows are the same height and wud like to know why there is no height variation ?

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I know that they are all the same breed but I am puzzled as to why they do not have short cows and tall cows within that group. This comes from travelling 100 miles a day on the motorway and noticing cows crossing the motorway bridge in case you were wondering. Can anyone answer?




  1. Fresians are well known for their sense of humour. They were probably all bending their knees to be the same height for a grin!

    Fresians are also known to have a sense of humour very different to humans, and almost never laugh at the same things.

  2. Because they are all the same breed (selective breeding / culling at birth has eliminated any 'non-optimum' stock), have all been fed the same meal and are all the same age ..

    The ones that are 'too tall' or 'too short' for the milking machines don't get to breed .. after a few generations they all come out the same ('right') size ..

    Humans have been breeding animals for specific characteristics for ages - where do you think all the different types of Cats & (especially) Dogs have come from ???

    (PS clue - no, God didn't create Crufts, although some Dog Breeders may think so  :-) )

  3. You've obviously not seen a Charolais mook yet. They are a size bigger than your average cow! Also Guernsey cows are quite petite. A snapshot from the motorway is not the ideal way to view our milky friends.

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