
Ive noticed that rice burners are more likey too...?

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Give a Harley Rider a wave when they ride by more often than a Harley Rider would give them a wave. Why is this? I'm not picking on Harley Riders, because i like Harley's, but that's what ive noticed.




  1. As a sportbike rider I would agree fully with your observation.  I wave at all bikes, scooter and even hardlys.  The riders on both real bikes and scooter will wave back 99% of the time while the harley riders do not.  I think they are just too embarrassed that the little ninja 250s outperform their overpriced noise makers.

  2. because  a lot of us realise we are all bikers its a shame the rest  can not get over  it & do the same & i dont mean  just harley riders there are still alot of motorcycle riders who think they are more special than the rest,

  3. so what is the equivalent name for guys who ride Italian sportbikes?

  4. i dont know. i wave to everybody on 2 wheels and a motor.

    i notice more harley riders snub me, and lots of crotch rockets wave everytime because they want to be seen on their motorcycles.

    it goes both ways, personally i think its c**p that you dont wave to me only because my bike doesnt cost 20-30k

  5. I have noticed that too. All riders that I’ve seen on their sportbikes (suzuki, Honda, Yamaha, etc) always wave back or wave at me. And HD riders don’t usually acknowledge me when I wave at them but some do give me the occasional nod of the head and that’s probably their way of saying hello. I think it just depends on the person. We all know that this isn’t a perfect world and there are some people out there that aren’t into the whole saying hi to fellow motorcyclists out there. So my point is (IMO) it doesn’t matter what bike you ride, it’s the person and his/her attitude.  

  6. b/c rice burners like fast vehicles and know they are not driving 1 so they appreciate the guy who rides a fast harley, where as the harley guy would rather hurt the loser driving the rice burner, because their car is a piece of trash (like any loser who paints their drum brakes) had to put that in there

  7. not this again-but here goes w/

    Why type X riders don't wave back

    Just to entertain you...and I moved SBs to top for you too.  

    Top Ten Reasons Why Sport Bike Riders Don't Wave Back

    10. They have not been riding long enough to know they are supposed to.

    9. If they took one hand off the bars they would break their teeth.

    8. They look way too cool with both hands on the bars.

    7. It's hard to put their hand in the air doing 175.

    6. Their skin tight-kevlar-ballistic-nylon-goose-leath... suits prevent any position other than fetal.

    5. One handed stoppies are ill advised.

    4. They are waving, but you can't see it behind the neon green speed screen.

    3. They were slipping their flip-flop back on.

    2. Raising an arm allows bugs into the armholes of their tank tops.

    1. They don't know how.

    Top Ten Reasons Why Harley Riders Don't Wave Back

    10. Afraid it will invalidate warranty ...

    9. Leather and studs make it too hard to raise arm ...

    8. Refuses to wave to anyone whose bike is already paid for ...

    7. Afraid to let go of handlebars because they might vibrate off...

    6. Rushing wind would blow scabs off the new tattoos ...

    5. Angry because just took out second mortgage to pay luxury tax on new Harley ...

    4. Just discovered the fine print in owner's manual and realized H-D is partially owned by those rice-burner

    manufacturers ...

    5. Can't tell if other riders are waving or just reaching to cover their ears like everyone else ...

    2. Remembers the last time a Harley rider waved back, he impaled his hand on spiked helmet ...

    And the Number One reason Harley riders don't wave back:

    1.They're jealous that after spending $30,000, they still don't own a Gold Wing.

    Top Ten Reasons Why Gold Wing Riders Don't Wave Back

    10. Wasn't sure whether other rider was waving or making an obscene gesture.

    9. Afraid might get frostbite if hand is removed from heated grip.

    8. Has arthritis and the past 400 miles have made it difficult to raise arm.

    7. Reflection from etched windshield momentarily blinded him.

    6. The espresso machine just finished.

    5. Was actually asleep when other rider waved.

    4. Was in a three-way conference call with stockbroker and accessories dealer.

    3. Was distracted by odd shaped blip on radar screen.

    2. Was simultaneously adjusting the air suspension, seat height, programmable CD player, seat temperature and satellite navigation system.

    1. Couldn't find the "auto wave back" button on dashboard.

    Top Ten Reasons Why Dual Sport Riders Don't Wave Back

    10. Vibration of knobby tires prevented the rider from taking his hand off the bars.

    9. MX style safety gear was too bright to see you wave.

    8. His front fender prevents you seeing him wave back.

    7. Was too busy configuring his GPS/Enduro Roll/FishFinder.

    6. His rain/wind/thorn/bug/bird proof thousand-dollar jacket won't allow it.

    5. Was too busy re-arranging his 500 pounds of soft-sided luggage.

    4. Doesn't recognize a wave in any language other than German.

    3. Too busy splitting lanes/filtering through traffic.

    2. One handed wheelies are not easy.

    1. On single-track trails you stop, not wave.


  8. I wave at all of them. If I can't wave, I nod. Most of the ones I meet wave back. We are all bikers. Just joke the ones who can't take a F**K!

  9. You don't have to wave at anyone.  

  10. Hmmm, last time I checked SPORTBIKES run on premium gasoline. Just like your Hardley Ableson. I wouldn't recommend pouring rice into the gas tank. Though we are making strides towards ethanol and use of corn in fuels and biofuels, it will most likely F*** up your bikes fuel injection system.

    Somebody motioned a "fast Harley" above. There is no such thing...unless you count a dragbike. But then on that hand, I'll show you a 450hp Turbo Hayabusa.

    *** UPDATE ***

    7:04pm EST 8 THUMBS DOWN, 0 THUMBS UP. YES!!! WOOOO!!!

  11. Because Harley riders think they are a joke..  

  12. I think it's hit or miss no matter what their on. I really don't pay that much attention. I don't initiate the wave. But if waved at I'll wave back or give a nod or something.

  13. As long as I see them, EVERYONE gets a wave.  They can be pricks if they want, but it doesn't mean I have to be one too.

  14. I wave at everyone,I notice that the posers and rubs on their Softails are the ones who dont wave at sportbikes.I also notice that sportbike guys wave back at me but seem surprised that a guy on a chopper waved at them first. If they looked they would see that the chopper Im riding isnt allways a Hog.Sometimes its a Britbike or a j*p bike I chopped. But dont feel bad about them not waving.Gues what those posers dont wave at me on my panhead when I go by. I recently stopped to help a guy with a broken down shovelhead. while we figured out his gremlin poser after poser rode right on by.

  15. With large motorcycles, it's safer to keep both hands on the grips.

  16. i see it a different way... i think the crotch rocket crowd are that way, they wave to other crotch rockets and that's it, a cruiser whether hd or japp all seem friendly with a wave.

    and i will wave at most anything, incl scooters, lol (it tands to catch them off guard when a big loud harley waves at a scooter, good fun).... if i see a squid doing a wheelie on a crotch rocket i'll usually just flip him the bird though

  17. They suffer from attitude problems.

    A friend of mine at work used to ask me why rice was always flying out of my Kawasaki pipe and hitting him while he was on his Harley.

    I simply told him to buy a machine capable of keeping up with mine and the problem would go away. Shut him up real good.

  18. because harley riders think jappa riders are idiots

  19. I ride a Honda. I am a loser according to HD riders. Oh well, at least I saved thousand of dollars.

  20. I ride a Triumph chopper. and vintage Honda.

    I wave when I can, but my hands are also my turn signals.

    For example, when driving in the city, with lots of traffic, I usually won't wave, because I don't want the person behind me to think I am making a left turn (US here) and try to go around me.

  21. First of all this is about people.

    People aren't Harley's or Crotch Rockets.

    If a person is anti-social or oblivious to other people then how does it matter what they are sitting on?

    I'm against categorizing people as motorcycles. If someone chooses to believe or think that they are something based on what they ride then what they are is a shallow human being. Who needs people like that? Why even worry about it for a second? If someone doesn't wave, they could have other things on their mind, they could be high, lost a parent, got fired, are running from the repo guy....who knows?

    Just because you wave and someone doesn't return the wave shouldn't be a reason to start making generalizations or imagining things that you can't control.

    Then to top it off you add labels to people based on unsupported evidence supplied by your need to make generalizations which really shows how immature and childish you are by nature for starting this whole thing....

    Why do you insist on bringing your school girl logic to this forum and constantly creating these topics? Do you feel that insecure and inferior? If someone doesn't wave back I think about it a whole .5 seconds and only a person who is so preoccupied with the need to have other people support her paranoid issues would carry such thoughts around and bring them up here....


  22. because people that ride harleys think that they are all hard and tough. when really, most of them are in their fifties, married, close to retiring, and would get their butts whipped hard if they acted like they wanted to.

    I know a lot of harley owners. Most of them are old guys with families and are big wimps.

    Do you know what a Harley and a vacuum have in common?

    They both have dirtbags on them.

  23. I think it depends on the person.  There are people in my own neighborhood that ride past my house every day that will not wave, even if I'm in the the driveway with my bike! there are others who wave whether they see the bike or not, because they know we are riders. I have noticed that some folks on bikes with Ape hangers don't wave much.  I figured it's because they need both hands to keep those crazy handlebars steady.  

    The only time I don't wave is if I am in a curve or using my hands on the clutch or brake.  In that case I usually give a nod.

  24. I think it is a matter of coincidence.  Where I live, North Carolina, it is the younger sportbike riders that typically do not wave.

    I think the main issue that accounts for most situations is that:  1.  A person is not paying attention (until perhaps too late to wave back at you so you can see it); or, 2.  A person that saw your wave but failed to wave back did so because they didn't know what to do or aren't use to the gesture.  Sometimes I'll get a knod instead of a returned hand gesture.

    Both of the cases above exclude the fact that it is hard to wave if you have to keep your clutch and/or brake pulled in (depending on which side your being waved at from).  I know I have been in that situation and have just knodded back and I am sure the other rider understood.

    EDIT for steve:

    spaghetti racers, wine runners, and pasta burners

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