
Ive only gained about 10 lbs with this baby.?

by Guest11065  |  earlier

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im on my second child and i have gained only 10 lbs. i am 29 weeks. with my first i gained a little over 30. my starting weight this time was 124. how much now should i gain every week over the next 2 months or so?




  1. you should just concentrate on eating a balanced diet and not so much about how much you gain. each pregnancy is different for every woman and you may NOT gain as much or more weight than you did with your first pregnancy.

  2. Good for you!!! gaining a lot of weight is really bad for your baby and its really unhealthy,(fat baby's make fat children and fat children make fat adults) I gained 17 pounds with my daughter..and she is a spiting image of health my sister had 5 and never gained more then have a much easier birth becouse you can move! as long as you are very eating healthy you will be fine...we take all these vitamins and don't smoke or drink...and then eat fast food of junk makes no sense to me ..GOOD FOR YOU!!!!

    don't worry about how much weight worry about what you are eating,,,your baby will thank you!!

  3. I'm 32wks 5d an had a docs app yesterday where they took my weight and i have only put on 900g my whole pregnancy!

    Atleast i wont have a jellybelly to get rid of lol.

  4. Ask your ob -- it probably depends a lot on your starting weight (edit -- sorry, I know you gave your weight ... I meant your starting weight for your height ... whether it was considered underweight, average, or overweight.)  Generally they recommend much less weight gain for people who start out overweight than for people who start out underweight.  

    I had extremely severe morning sickness with my pregnancies and lost a substantial amount of weight in the first half of each pregnancy, so generally only ended up with a net gain of about 15 pounds for the entire pregnancies.  My babies all ended up fine (one was premature, but healthy not terribly small).  Your doctor is the best bet for whether you need to worry or not.

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