
Ive recently had a spanline roof installed?

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in my opinion the roof sheets have been screwed down incorectly on the internal beam. theyve been screwed in the valley and not the peak and some screws missed completly so they just put silicon on every s***w is this normal




  1. Sounds like a shoddy job to me. Get it fixed or later on you could have mold, rot, ruined drywall. even electrical issues if water got to it.

  2. Screws in the valley are good only if they have a rubber washer also.  The missed screws are accidents and the silicone should work.

  3. Spanline must be a brand name - I assume this is a 26 or 29 gauge metal roofing approx 3' wide?

    Yes you do s***w into the flats. You do this right to the side of the high ribs, and you also install what we call "stitch screws" on top of the ribs. All screws should have a neoprene washer on them that compresses when screwed in. Some installers have a bad habit of running screws in too tight , thus the neoprene washers are torn or squeezed out - this can cause leaks in the washers. The reason you don't run all screws into the high ribs is they can easily be overtightened which buckles the ribs.

    The laps should have rope caulking strip placed on the first rib before the next sheet is laped over and screwed down.

    We try to install sheets in a full length pc. so there are not any splices in the sheets as they come down the slope.

    Check with the manufacturer for installation instructions.

  4. Most manufacturer specs for exposed fastener metal roof panels call for the screws to go in the "valleys", and some will void the warranty if installed otherwise. I assume this is due in part to warranty claims being filed on roofs that were installed by inexperienced roofers.

    Common sense tells you that screws go in the tops of the ribs, but it's easy to overtighten and damage the panel if you don't have a lot of practice or if you use a drill that doesn't have a  torque-limiting clutch.

    I've been installing metal roofs for 30 years, and whenever possible I always s***w through the ribs. (Ooo, that sounds painful, huh?), but you are probably out of luck if you think you can get anything changed, as the contractor will have the manufacturer to back him up.

    As for the missed screws, well, s***w-ups..(haha, get it? ) happen. One or two misses is understandable, but dozens would be unacceptable.

  5. Its going to leak all screws have to be on ridge.You had it improperly done by someone in a hurry.

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