
Ive traced my family tree right back to 1721 on my mothers side her mother and there after.?

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i would love some help on my mothers dads side he died of tb when he was only three but only know his mothers maiden name tremble can any one give me help




  1. I'm confused dear. Help me understand. If your mother's father died when he was 3 years old, how was your mother born? I just don't understand. Maybe you could add some more details and everyone can try to help you.

  2. Knowing which area of the UK would help. Big difference between Orkney Islands and Cornwall.

  3. At three he must have been very precocious.

  4. Wow im trying to trace mt family tree but i cant find dates or references, how did you get that far back? I need the help!

  5. How can your mothers dad died when he was 3, how could he have been her father!!

  6. I guess you are trying to say that your grandad died when your mam  was only three.  There was probably someone who took over looking after the family from then  on.   Have you tried the Census for the locality where they were from at the time? It may provide you with other information as to who was living with them at the time. Grandparents often lived with the sons or daughters. Fair play that you have traced the other side back so far. I have only got to 1810 on one side and only 1870 on the other. Now stumped!

  7. OK what year did he die?  Where?

    When do you think he was born?  Where?

    First name?

    203 Public Member Trees  

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    Also 2000 + in documents

  8. COOL

  9. That must have been terribly difficult since women usually have 2 names and tree's are usually based on the male line.

  10. Huh? Your mother's dad died when he was 3??? I'm confused.

    Sorry I dunno how to help, but it would be interesting to know how to do that with my family. I have all these ancestors of different descents... the farthest back I know is my great-grandfather.

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