
Ivf how long does it take ?

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how long does it take for a embryo to take to the wall of my uterus i Had my eggs taken on friday and had them put back on monday and how long before a test will show that i am pregnant




  1. Did they schedule a blood test for you? We had a blood test done 11 days after the transfer.  I started having symptoms about a  week after transfer, so I cheated and took a hpt the day before my blood test (didn't use am urine or anything) and it was positive. I was skeptical, but I was pretty sure. (The next day my blood test came back positive!)  If you do take a test early, you have to wait after the hcg trigger shot is out of your system. It usually takes around 8-10 days. And don't get discouraged if it comes out negative! It may be to early. If you are on progesterone, that can do funny things to your body, so it's hard tell what's going on. It was our 2nd time going through IVF so I knew what to expect. I really hope it works for you! Good luck & lots of baby dust to you!  

  2. My test was 10 days after and I knew I was pregnant!!  A few days before my test, I felt the implantation (mild cramping similar to a period starting).  I knew my cycle was not going to start because of all the drugs that I was on so it had to be implantation.  On the day of my test, I had morning sickness like you wouldn't believe (couldn't make it to the Dr. office w/o running in and going straight to the bathroom first). My test was positive and here I am 7 wks pregnant with my twins and possibly triplets. During those two weeks, I tried not to think about it and my husband and I just kinda enjoyed each other's company since we just felt that we wouldn't have much more alone time after that point.  He looked at me and just knew I was pregnant before I tested... Just relax, try not to stress, and send up a few prayers!  Mine was positive on the 1st try.. Thank God!    

  3. In Vitro Fertilisation or IVF is similar to ZIFT except the retrieved eggs and sperm are placed together for fertilisation in the laboratory and allowed to develop for up to 5 days, until they become embryos. One or two embryos are then selected and placed inside the woman's uterus, called an embryo transfer or ET. The remaining developing embryos are frozen for use at a later date if the fresh embryo transfer is unsuccessful, or for additional IVF pregnancy attempts. A single or double embryo transfer is a simple procedure (similar to a pap test) where the developing embryo(s) is placed directly inside the woman's uterus, taking about 5 minutes and not requiring anaesthetic. Some women feel mild discomfort or intermittent cramping during the procedure. IVF is usually recommended for women whose fallopian tubes are blocked or if other fertility treatments have not worked and has a multiple pregnancy rate of about 22%.

  4. You will get a test done by the clinic between 12 and 14 days after the embryo transfer.  In the mean time you should relax and take things very very easy.  i would suggest that you lie down as much as you can, I know that there is no evidence that suggests this helps with implantation but hey after all you have been through you deserve a rest.  Remember to check for any bleeding and call the clinic straight away to let them know, most still want to do a pregnancy test after the 14 days anyway just to make sure.

    Good Luck on that test saying positive!!!

  5. The embryo starts implanting at 3 days past transfer (dpt) and completes at 5dpt. Here’s how it works:

    1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day

    2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining

    3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining

    4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining

    5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells &

    fetal cells

    6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood

    7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops

    8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops

    9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on


    One thing you should know if you are planning on taking a HPT is that if the trigger shot (Ovidrel) is not out of your system, you can get a false positive. It usually takes 10-12 days to get out of your system so if you are going to take one wait until it is gone.

    Your RE will do a blood test anywhere between 9 and 14 days after your transfer. My RE test 9dp a 5dt and 12dp a 3dt.

    Good luck!

  6. come on.., stop worrying!! don stress urself so much.. i'm sure doctors wud have told u when to test.. don think bt it alwys.. take rest and have healthy food and fresh fruits.. god bless u soon!!!! u can take a test 12 days after it s put back.

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