
Ivy Growing on New Home?

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We're moving next week to a new home and it has ivy vines growing all over the back, busting through into the walls in some areas. My husband says if we rip it down and just break the plants near the ground that it'll kill it. My father says other wise. Anyone know how to kill these things? Will breaking it just work? Also, about the stains on the it true spraying bleach on it will take the old ivy off faster and the stains?




  1. I would cut the butt of the vine near the ground, daub on a brush killer, and pull the vines down.  You could try RoundUp, or go to a garden center and see if they recommend something specifically for vines, brush, etc.

  2. I think your father is right - they are near impossible to get rid of and they come back at you with a vengeance - I know, our neighbour has one growing over our fence. A word of warning and I learnt the hard way. If you or anyone who is planning to cut it down suffers from hay fever type allergies, don't let them. Of all of the times I have suffered a plant related allergy - that was definately the worst. Ivy is a major irritant.

  3. You need to cut the plants near the ground and spray or brush with Round-up or some other type of brush killer.  These plants will probably return next year and you will regularly have to cut and spray them.  They can damage the outside of the house as they have "suckers" that run under the shingles or siding.  They are hard to control once they get a foothold.

  4. Ivy is destructive to house finishes. It can even destroy the mortar between the bricks on the outside of a house. Be prepared to have damage which must be repaired once the ivy is removed.

    In the meantime, if you cut the ivy at the base and then spray the area with something like RoundUp, it will die. Depending upon the material on the outside of the house, you'll probably find a good power washing will take care of the stains and leftover tendrils which stick there.

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