
Ivy league Dreams <3 <3 <3 <3

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I'm 13 and think i should start looking in to collage.So i look on a website and saw it said to start young and i know that means now so in looking for someone who an the me what to do from here or what steps to take

Plz Help




  1. I think 13 is a bit young to be thinking about colleges, however it shows your quite mature. If you dream of going to an Ivy League college then your going to have to work very hard. Study hard and try your best in school.

    Hope this helps, good luck.

  2. It&#039;s great that you&#039;re starting early! I would start by thinking about what or where you might want to study. Visiting colleges&#039; websites can be really helpful. is also great, it has lots of articles and tips, and can help you if you&#039;re looking for scholarships!

  3. It doesn&#039;t really start to matter until you get into high school.  Spend middle school figuring out what your passions are and making good friends.  That&#039;s all anyone can ask of you right now.

    When you get to high school, GET INVOLVED.  I can&#039;t stress that enough.  Ivy League colleges won&#039;t be looking for people who went to school for six hours to take easy classes and then came home just to sit on the couch watching TV.  Join clubs, do music or sports (or both), get involved with community service as much as you can, and take as many hard classes that are available to you as you can handle.

    Keep in mind that there is not (or shouldn&#039;t be) any cookie cutter for an Ivy League student.  Do what interests you, not what you think a college might be looking for.  They will notice your passions if you have developed them enough.

    You&#039;re young though, so don&#039;t let the college thoughts overwhelm you.  It&#039;s more important to have in the back of your mind than as your primary focus right now.  Save that for the last half of your junior year, as well as the first half of your senior year.

  4. Its good that you&#039;re starting early. I was in much the same position as you appear to be in when i began to think about college. I&#039;m now a senior with a very serious shot at admission to some very selective colleges. The one thing I cannot emphasize enough is to never close a door you cannot reopen. Life will limit your choices enough; don&#039;t slack off or foolishly throw away an opportunity that you cannot reclaim later. Get good grades, challenge yourself, and find out what you love. Good Luck!

  5. Look at the websites of colleges you are interested and look at their admission requirements so you will know what to do once you start high school.  Contact them to be added to their mailing lists. (There is usually a link on their page somewhere, look at Undergraduate Admissions.) Start thinking about financial aid and scholarships, and make sure you keep your grades up. At the end of your sophomore year or the beginning of your junior year would be a good time to take your ACT/SAT for the first time. Take challenging or Advanced Placement classes; colleges are impressed by these. Also, try to be active in different sports or activities. I hope this helps! :)

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