
I´ve been feeling suicidal all i do is cry, my mother keeps asking me whats wrong i am too ashamed to tell?

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how would you react if your daughter told you she has an incurable contagious decease???

I´d just rather die before anyone ever knows whats wrong because i know that everyone will be repeled from me when they find out i have herpes, I know cause she is like that to other people with deceases. I specially want to seize to exist because now i know it will be impossible to have a normal happy life with my boyfriend and that i´ll never fulfill my dreams of loving him in full freedom and that if i did he´d be in danger too and feel as awful as i do.




  1. Honey, tell your mom and let her help you get help. And there really is life after herpes.  There are adjustments, but you can have a full relationship. So please, don't give up, and please get help.

  2. I think you need professional help right away. Having herpes is not the end of the world. I have it and live a very normal life. I never even have any outbreaks. I think your problems are way deeper than that and you need to talk to a counselor or therapist.

  3. oh my .. im sorry for you

    u had better tell ur mom

    if course u wouldnt wanna make her sad , but if she didnt kno u can actually make a permanent damage to her mind if u sdnly go wrong .. i mean im not joking

    uld better tell her so she can accept it slowly

    and who knows , if a miracle hpnes ull be healthy again

  4. All of the first four answers I read were close to right, and you could take the advise from either. However I have my own opinion which I hope will make some sense to you and at the very least give you some room for thought. Your question is so full of emotion and believe me it's heart felt. I feel anyone that read it would understand and can relate in some fashion, and it's almost for sure someone that read your question either has or knows someone with herpes so try not to be too self indulgent with your disease.... Please, you are not the only one!

    Saying that you would rather die given the love for your boyfriend and Mother, you think that would be a good option. Here's the truth about any suicide; you will bring immense pain to those that love you unconditionally. You may think they will forgive but believe me they will think of you and your untimely death for years and it will be pain-full with out exception. Now ask yourself, do I want to be the cause of this pain for my family and friends for years to come? I don't think so! Suicide is a selfish event and causes a serious interruption in an otherwise normal life of others. You can also count on the fact that those suffering from the death of a loved one often consider suicide themselves.... Have you considered this at all?

    No I'm not done.... I want you to know that I have a cousin who was diagnosed with herpes in the mid-eighties. Since that time she had given birth to two beautiful daughters, both graduates of the University of Arizona with one going on to own her own book store business and the other working in law, and that was after two years of peace corp work in South America. My cousin had both the children after she married her boyfriend, who was not the individual that caused the disease. Her mark in life at this time is; she is one of the most special people I know given her start in mature life and the way she has handled what you refered to as "It will be impossible to have a normal happy life with my boyfriend". You know part of your battle is figuring out that unconditional love is and comes in a variety of ways with the most pronounced being respect. That respect you need to understand is the respect of yourself; how can you respect or even love someone if you don't know how to respect or love yourself.

    And the last thing you don't want to hear is: If this young man is really in love with you, your disease will only be an obstical to overcome not a barrier that won't allow him or you to continue. The same goes for you Family, if they love you as they say (not sure you didn't say) there should be an emmense amount of understanding going on in their hearts, if not, maybe you need to keep your distance from family that does'nt have you, for better or worse in their best interest.

    No fooling around and no kidding you need to grow up right now! If you need the time to consider the hurt you will cause with you current plan, go ahead take that 2 minutes but that is all you have.... Get those people together, tell them you made a mistake and you need their support now more than ever. Tell them you love them unconditionally and expect the same in return with proving you are the person from this point forward that they only dreamed you could be. Let them know you have decided to dedicate your life to family and are looking forward to being a productive part of your remaining time on earth. You need to do this as a mature adult with out pulling any punches. Tell them your thoughts but you decided to be mature and work through this no matter what and want their support at this time.

    Good Luck and feel free to write. This will work out if you want it too.  

  5. how do you want to be saved

    if no one knows youre in danger?

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