
I’m scared that I might die or commit suicide?

by  |  earlier

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I’m scared that I might die or commit suicide, what should I do. I don’t have the phone number of the doctor. I’m taking ABILIFY (aripiprazole) and I’m a healthy 19 year old male.




  1. Talk to your doctor ASAP, it might be a side effect from the medication.

  2. If your feeling this now, you can talk to me if you got no one else. email/IM. Tell me whatever's on your mind. that way you wont focus so much on killing yourself

  3. you can't really be scared of commiting suicide, since u have to be pretty fearless to do it. Most people back out because of the fear, fear of the beyond. The scared of dieing is normal, you just need a "whatever" attitude and live your life.

  4. You know what people did before legalized psychosomatic mood stabilizers?

    They endured, matured, and grew strong.

    I'm not telling you to go off your medication. But I sincerely hope you've had adequate medical opinion before impacting your behavioral hormones at this important stage of your life.

    Now, as to your's not fear.

    Very very few people truly fear death. And usually, it's because they suffer paranoia.

    What you're really afraid of is....boredom.

    Why am I here? What am I supposed to do? What happens once I've got it done? 10 years from now...will anyone know I existed?

    These are the things that drive us mad. This is the quiet fear that builds and explodes when you're 40 and wondering about your legacy.

    So, how to combat this?

    Simple. Build something.

    Build a family. Build a house. Serve things that will outlast you.

    A good kid who has put 8 years into the military, comes home, finishes his education, marries a girl, starts a family, raises them, goes to church, volunteers his time helping others, and dies with his grandchildren bedside....

    ...doesn't have these fears. He KNOWS what outlives him. He's belonged to organizations that will continue once he's gone. He's built and been part of a legacy.

    You need to take a direction in your life that will lead you to your legacy.

    Here is what I did:

    I wrote my obituary. Then I threw it out and wrote it again from scratch.

    It gave me a detailed blueprint of exactly what and when I had to accomplish to reach my goals.

    Ten years later, I'm still following it.

    Good Luck!

  5. well you should go surround yourself with people and friends that you know have your back.

    you could probably look up a number in your phonebook in there.

    go talk to a professional as soooon as you can

    and seriously please don't because if you did it it would make a hugee impact on a lot of peoplee

  6. Abiliify is an anti-psychotic medication and can also be used as a mood stabilizer.  You have to have a RX to get it.  I would recommend, strongly, that you need to see the doctor that gave you the meds and let s/he know how you are feeling.  Maybe you just need a dosage adjustment. Please do this ASAP.  Life can be wonderful and I would bet there are many a friend or family member who wants to to hang around for a long time.  Your age is a time in life that is difficult.  It does get better, especially when you take care of yourself and talk with others you trust. PLEASE!

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