
I’m trying to decide whether to join the Marines or the Air Force, any advice?

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I’ve talked to all the recruiters and I’ve narrowed it down between these two branches of service. I wana be a Fighter Pilot and I know I need to be an officer but I’m trying to find out which course of action do you think would get me there. Marines or Air Force, I'd appreciate responses about your experience with either or any advice. Thanks ^^




  1. dont think of joining the Marine Corps! the air force is the best choice

  2. Army all the way..the best place is the Army...serve you country in the army you will like it.once active duty you can apply for OCS and become a to your nearest Army recruit.

  3. If you've been shopping around you better go for the Air Force.  Marines usually know they want to be Marines early on and wouldn't even talk to the other guys.  

  4. eat all your vegatables,say your prayers at night,study hard,and maybe,just maybe,you could be one of us....THE FEW  THE PROUD  THE MARINES!!!

  5. Those who are truly destined to be Marines will one day wake up in boot camp..those who toy with the notion of being a Marine as if anyone can become one will just continue to do that..

    Figure out what you want and follow your heart..Either choice you wont go wrong but just be aware that the two are not the same thing..

    Also Officers have the hardest time in the Corp until 2 years in. If you join you'll find out.

  6. I'd say the air force as the air force has more fighters, f 22 f 35 f 16 f15 and many more while the marines have mainly harriers and f-35 so with more options i think the air force is better. but you also have to think, when people think of fighter pilot, they think of air force which means more people that join the air force will want to be pilot, if you understand that. There fore, i think marines will have less competition logically.

  7. Eat all your vegetables,say your prayers at night,study hard,and maybe,just maybe,you could be one of us....THE FEW THE PROUD THE MARINES!!!   "Once a MARINE always a MARINE"

    What happened to the Navy? We fly planes off of this 4.5 acre spread that moves around the worlds oceans....

    Study really hard and get accepted to the USNA and then you can become either  Naval Aviator or a Marine Pilot...

    Or if you can't make that cut you can always try to get into the AF academy in Colorado Springs.

  8. Air Force.  

  9. You really are talking apples and oranges here.  My advice (without trying to show bias) is to see if you can talk with someone from both branches: and I don't mean a recruiter--I mean a pilot.  I would also pay close attention to advancement potential.  I know if you do some homework you'll find the branch that's right for you.  Thank you for your desire to serve our country: we need good people out there!

  10. If you want to be a pilot then join the Aiir Force...

    If you want to be a Marine who is also a pilot the the USMC can make that happen for you..

  11. If your still in high school, i would apply for the air force acadamy or the naval academy. Its a tough slot to get but its worth it if you can do it. Second would be to get an rotc scholorship, easer to get but you still gotta work hard.

    the easest way to be a pilot is by far the army. You dont need any collage at all. You fill out a warrent officer flight packet, and keep resubmitting it untill you get picked up. But the army is only helicopters.

  12. The Marine corps flies many more missions than people would think while our flight program naturally falls under the navy we have quite a distinguished history in flight operations. That being said it also slightly more competitive naturally to be a Marine and you will spend much time on the boat i guess the question is whether you want to be a Marine or an Airmen. Personally i think that the Marines are better,although i am admittedly bias, it's difficult enough to become a fighter pilot it is even more difficult to rise to the top in the Marines. Good Luck No matter which branch you join and i hope you achieve your lofty goals.

  13. Well, Lieutenant, if you want to be a real man, join the Marines; if you want to be a wuss, join the Air Farce.

    The marine aviators take their training at the US Navy Flight Training Facility (along with Naval officers).  The training is very demanding and the competition is keen.  If you don't have what it takes, it will not take you very long to "wash out".  If you do have what it takes, you will become one of the Proud, the Elite--A Marine.

    If you do not have your college degree yet, get it first to ensure your acceptance into officer's training.  After that the rest is up to you.

    Good luck.  

  14. First off shame on anyone who calls a Marine or them self an "EX" Marine. Once a Marine always a Marine. Now to answer your Q, I am just a housewife, what do I know? except how to bake cakes right?. Anyways my husband says he wished he would have joined the Air Force, he too wanted to fly. He went with the Navy. I know your probably laughing right now, but just remember Pearl Harbor. You better be tough enough for the Marines. I wish you didn't have to join any of them, but just the same thank you in advance for your service. Just be careful.

  15. I would suggest another career choice. If you want to fly planes you can be a commercial pilot or you can fly for Amnesty International or a similar group.  

  16. OK MAN ARMY = women look Arent Really Marines Yet that spells army lol go for marine pilot. yes there is such a thing.

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