
I’ve been diagnosed with Anorexia!! Please help um very scared :(!!?

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Hey all ! as i said i'v been diagnosed with Anorexia !! It Startd off with me losing a few pounds for the summer !! Now it's out of controle! I havent been eating 4 two weeks now And last time i ate it was a piece of chocolate !!! Now um feeling very weak... i sleep 2 much or i dont sleep at all.. its very hard 2 get out of bed ! And wen i was sure i was Anorexic i tryed eating but i CANT !! It hurts so bad !!! nd wen my boy frnd forced me 2 eat i handled the pain 4 him but a few minuts later i threw evrything back up !!!! I really need hlp !!! Im very scard nd i dnt knw wat 2 do !!! The doctor thing is vry hard bcz i cnt tell my parents about this !! PLZ HELP ME !!!




  1. Well try eating some saltines and if you puke it back up then drink some ginger ale. Keep that going until you stop. It should work.

  2. you need to get over your fear of doctors and talk to one.  you should probably tell your parents too.  

  3. if you are scared to die, then eat something...just because you eat does not mean you will get fat!

    slowly eat things like cereal or ice cream or anything that gets calories in you.  go see a nutrionist counselor.  you might also want to keep a journal.  

    trust me once you own up to it you will learn how to deal with it.  just do not be scared.  at the time i was scared of gaining weight and even my then girlfriends mother said that i was really skinny.  i have gained some weight since and trust me every one around me says i look better than ever now!  the then girlfriend is now my wife and her mom always brags to her friends on how i look so good!

    you will get through it if you really want to do it--no one can force you.  but i congratulate you on being able to ask the question!  

    google nutrionist in your area also you might want to look at and ask about good nutrionists in your area.

  4. Hunny don't worry what you have to do is think about the one food you want to start eating again, something easy. Hold it, maybe the next day when you feel strong smell it and one day put a little crum in your mouth. it will be ok, how old are you if you are over 16 then go to a dietitians without your mum if you are under 16 then your parentshave to go with you cause i have been before. they are really helpful. babe if you dont start eating you wont be able to have kids, that is the way that i look at it. email me for any more info xxxx

  5. If you are truly scared and serious then you need to tell your parents.  Life is short as it is.  If your coming here for sympathy the that is not the answer.  go to the people that can truly help you.  YOUR PARENTS

  6. had it before you don't loose wieght fast in the end. You evventully end up eating and eating. Then you don't eat. And it repeats and repeats trust me . Its called yo yo dieting.


  7. You have to try to eat

    think of losing something very dear to you if you don't

    for example think that if you dont eat soon you will lose your boyfriend

    or worse...your life because that is what will happen

    i know your scared

    and if your boyfriend thinks your perfect you shouldnt think that you are fat

    its basically a mental reson that you cant eat

    you have to try

    and if you still cant eat you have to tell your parents

    wat is happening to you is life threatining

  8. calm down....i have been there tooo hunni...i beat it by myself too..i would say eat 5 small meals everyday..only little try  2 eat fruit mayb just a banana which can be one of ur small meals

    good luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. "I dont throw up on purpose... but i cant eat... the best i can do is drink juice."

    That doesn't sound like anorexia at all, more like a disease. The reason why you are not going near food is because it makes you in pain and results in vomiting. You NEED to see your doctor! First tell your parents, and there is no reason why your parents should be mad at you because it is not your fault. You are ill and need medical treatment. Then go to the hospital.  

  10. go to


  11. you really need to go to a doctor privatley if you do not want to tell your parents. this is a seriouse issue! there are other ways to lose weight while eating. you just need to eat healthy. you wont get fat by eating fruits and veggitables. you can work with a doctor to get the right meal plan for you. you will be healthy and skinny.  please see a doctor or tell someone who you trust and who can help you if you cant tell your parents..  telling someone close to you (besides your boyfriend)  is the first step in recovery. please help yourself by contacting someon.

  12. you need to tell your parents. they can support you on buying the food you like and need. just take every bite a bit at a time. i wish the best for you!

  13. Aneroxics usually will try any trick they can, and lie and cheat to keep NOT eating!  This is because of a hysterical fear of being "fat" no matter how thin they are (that's why it's a mental illness, but it results iin a physical problem).

    That you are really trying to eat and can't is a warning signal to me.  Is it possible you have another health problem that is really affecting your digestive system, such as serious ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, or something even more seriousl - have all these things been ruled out?

    Are you really being honest that you want to eat?  You shouldn't have pain from eating even if you are anorexic - you would go throw up on purpose because of fear of gaining weight, a totally different thing.

    It sounds to me like you need to discuss this with your Dr. ASAP - good luck, that you want to get better is what will save you.

  14. Try to get referred to a specialist. If you can drink then try the health protein shakes but you need to be referred to a rehab specialist. Some sort of CBT treatment and counseling. Maybe you wouldn't have to be admitted.

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