
I’ve had an unfortunate interaction with an American tourist. Advice please.?

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My friend and I have arranged to go to America, and so she decided that I needed some new and more stylish clothes, which we were to buy in London. We stayed there for a weekend. On the second day we met an American couple who spoke so loudly that it almost seemed like shouting, they kept saying how much better America was, this all made me quite uncomfortable, so I tried to excuse my friend and myself from the discussion, but my attempts were in vain. I asked the woman (she was the louder of the two) whether they were indicative of Americans in general. She told me that they were and are what is known as ‘all-American’. I now regret agreeing to this short-break. She still wants to continue the break and won’t go without me. Are all Americans like those two?




  1. Poppy is obviously anti-American.

    Your story almost sounds like you made it up, though there are people out there like that. They're not all American. I lived in Japan for 10 years and met plenty of obnoxious foreigners. I won't name any countries.  Those that travel don't necessarily represent their country.  

  2. depends on where you go you know if this couple had been drinking? cause we tend to get loud and obnoxious when we are in our cups...and i think the lady may have confused "all-american" with being a complete b*t*h

  3. Of course not. It's like saying all Brits are like Benny Hill! There are plenty of great, welcoming and balanced 'Yanks' when you go over the pond. Despite what people say, the southern states are SO friendly. You just had a bad introduction, that's all. Imagine how they'd view us if they went to Greece for 2 weeks with club 18-30!

    EDIT: Sorry chasing the French maids?

  4. Fortunately, not!! Go ahead, enjoy your break. It seems that its only while they're in the U.K. that they are struck by this infliction that makes them feel that everything about America is bigger and better!! Rise above it, and enjoy your holiday.

  5. Most of 'em yeah....

    My mum has always brought me up not to be prejudice, racist, religionist etc etc etc..... And I am very proud of the good morals she has instilled in me.  I don't have a racist bone in my body.

    Until it comes to the Americans....

    I personally believe 95% of them to be hideously undereducated and revoltingly up their own a00es!!

    But I always console myself knowing that my 'bush' is better than theirs hahahhaha - sorry, couldn't resist! ;-)

  6. most. not all.  

  7. I understand where you are coming I dislike people from the United states because they think they are better than everyone which is not true... They think everyone should speak and i quote "american" if they live in this country and i disagree... I can go on about people from the United States forever but I wont most people from the United States are snotty and arrogant and i cannot stand them I was born here but i refuse to say that I am proud to be an American and I dont cal my self one! if i were you i would leave and if I were old enough i would too...

  8. We, as Brits, are quite reserved.  I've been to the US lots of times (love it all to bits).  Yes, many of them (not all) do seem rather loud to us but I think that's all part of their culture.  Even the little kids have an opinion about everything and can seem rather pushy to us.  I've worked in an environment which involves meeting lots of people from all over the world and it's fair to say that we can always hear the Americans over others.  In a way, it's good that they feel that what they have to say counts and are not afraid to voice their opinion.  In the UK we are often reluctant to say what we think to a persons face but it's quite usual to talk behind someones back.  Don't be put off by these two Americans you met - they are warm, wonderful people, always happy to talk and help.  Their country is beautiful with so much to offer.  I can't wait for my next trip in December.  Have a good time!

  9. and what`s wrong with being like benny hill  ?

  10. We are assured they are not all loud, frequently on here - indeed, many American people tell us that the largest percentage of their population is not loud and obnoxious.

    I wouldn't like to worry you more than you are at the moment, but I have yet to meet non loud obnoxious americans - even ones that do appear quiet are in fact much louder than your average English person.

    I put it down to them having so much space and refusing to let anyone in to fill it - they have to shout more.

  11. No more than the English can be stereotyped.

    I have spent two holidays in the USA and found the people there to be nice and welcoming.

    Here in Scotland we also have many US tourists, they are without exception, courteous, friendly and generous.

  12. You know they're not.  I suspect this is just your way of subtly getting a dig in at the "hated" America.  

  13. Ugh, Americans like that make me sick.  I myself am an American, but the people that you met were definitely what I like to call "Ugly Americans".  The basic stereotype of an Ugly American (UA) is as follows, at least to me:



    Probably loaded with money



    Sometimes even malicious

    The list goes on and on

    Please don't make a stereotype of Americans based on this one couple.  I made the mistake of stereotyping New Yorkers as brash and sometimes mean, but they turned out to be the complete opposite.  When I traveled there to stay for a week in June--in Harlem, no less--every time I pulled out a subway/bus map, someone always stopped to help and to give me directions.  I had a lovely experience in New York, and hope to go back someday.

    I've also been to London, and most people were very helpful there as well.  Granted I was there in the tourist off-season (February), but still...

    So, please come to the United States and enjoy your stay!

  14. Not at all, there is good and bad in everybody.  Look at the comments from people who have been to the US, they say good things about it.  I often find that the people who slate the US have never been and don't any Americans at all.  The majority of my customers are American and there are the loud ones, you know "US is best," and all that.  But for everyone of those there must be 1000 normal people out there to compete.

    Go and enjoy your break, you'll regret it if you don't.

  15. Obviously, we are not.  And to ask that shows some silliness on your part.  I have done a lot of traveling in the US and outside of the US.  There are wonderful kind people and snotty rude people all over the world. Period.  People may have biased opinions of people from the United States or other countries for various reasons, but really people are not all that different from eachother.

      Come here, enjoy your trip  - sure there are stupid Americans but there are stupid Brits, stupid Dominicans, stupid Koreans  etc etc.   I think you will find people far more friendly and fun than you are right now thinking, Don't let one idiotic couple take away an enriching opportunity to visit another country.  Don't give in to stereotypes.   If you would like some advice on places go to, depending on what city you are visiting I may be able to help, just email me.

  16. a person is well behaved cuz of upbringing---not nationality

  17. nope some are better ...some have guns or crackpipes lol

    joke of course not that is quite a situation to be in excuse yourself more clearer and make youre own plans

    they arent all like that they were probably just exagerating there stereotype and feeling likr they should keep it up and not let america down (but they were lol) americans have a different sense of humour to us brits we are all sarcastic buggers they like irony and stuff we love the banter and good patter there quite weird comedics actually

    i suggest u go to america theres all sorts of different ppl there u might learn something new x good luck

  18. Of course not!  You can't generalize about people.  Would you say all black people are such-and-such or all g*y people are a certain way. No.  Everyone is different.  I am American and I know some really great people.  I'm from Pennsylvania.  We're very traditional where I live and quiet.  We enjoy meeting new people.  I've met some loud obnoxious people from America too, but we are not all that way.  I remember back in high school we had two French exchange students.  They were perhaps the most stuck up people I ever met.  Then in college I met more people from France who were great.  Imagine if I had never given them a chance based on those other two.  But just because I learned that the French are good people doesn't mean I suddenly like those two jerks from high school.  So what I'm saying is, you will meet Americans who are great and some who suck.  Just go and have a good time.  If you meet more idiots like those two, you and your friend can always laugh about it when you get back home.  

  19. Was in America last week and saw some very fat, loud Americans. They were on vacation so maybe that is why they were loud. Americans can differ from one place to another. New Yorkers are different from Texans.

    My sister-in-law is American and she is completely different from the stereotypical American.

    Just go and have a laugh.  

  20. no they're not. I'm English and I went to washington and new york a while ago and they all seemed nice to me. Of course there will be a few loudmouths like the people you met but then you get that everywhere! Hope I helped x

  21. No, dont worry. Most Americans are lovely, I've holidayed there 8 or 9 times and I love it. Go, you'll have a wonderful time. There are a lots of English people who are a pain in the back side but thats not to say we all are

  22. Most, though not all, of the American people I have met have a stronger pride in their nationality than we, as Brits, are used to.  They are accustomed to a culture that reinforces the idea that they are the best and that everyone else looks up to them.  Since most will never leave the country, that really isn't a bad culture to have.  It is only when they get outside of the US that it becomes a problem ... though not for THEM because they know the truth that has been reinforced all their lives.  They have no idea how impolite they are unintentionally being.

    This leaves us with a few options:  confront it, accommodate it or avoid it.  We are (mostly) polite enough to wish to avoid unnecessary confrontation but proud enough in our own quieter way not to wish to indulge the delusion too much.  Avoidance is always the tempting option.

    On the other hand, I am assured that the American abroad is far more likely to 'project' their national pride than at home (where they don't have to because it is common knowledge).  So, my suggestion would be to go ahead with the trip, enjoy meeting American people who are as interesting and varied as people everywhere, recognise that they have pride in their nation and respect that, and bring back memories of one of the most diverse countries on earth.

  23. I refuse to allow two people alone represent me and my entire country.  To say that all Americans are loud and rude, is like saying all middle easterners are terrorist.  I would never make that assumption, because I am well aware that a handful of people do not account for the general disposition/temperment of an entire nation.

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