
I’ve just started a relationship with a girl who wants to keep communicating with her ex. What should I do? ?

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She complained to me about how her ex-boyfriend made her feel like dirt. The weird thing is she still wants to talk to him. She even told me that if we get serious she doesn’t want to stop talking to him. She says he has become a very good friend. I am concerned because she has left her ex-boyfriend before and dated another man, and eventually went back to her ex-boyfriend. Am I being insecure?




  1. ditch her. i was in the same situation except i was the boyfriend... she came back to me... shes a w***e

  2. If he's that gud a person then why the h**l did she leave him and start a relation with u. She cud have waited for him to realise his mistake and come back. Ask her to back off and be serious with u or just dump her if she wants to keep a relation with her ex. SICK woman

  3. No, I'm sure a lot of people get worried about things like that, it's her EX! why wouldn't you?! But if you really like her then you have to trust her, and if she really likes you then she would have no reason to go back to her ex. Just tell her how your feeling about it in a casual conversation, but know that you can't make her not talk to him. Good luck (:

  4. You are not being insecure. She is not over him and it doesn't look like she will be any time soon. Dump her. She cares only for herself.

  5. No you are not being insecure. You are being realistic. She has shown a pattern of using men as a placeholder for her ex-boyfriend. Nobody wants or deserves to be a placeholder.

    If he makes her feel like dirt she should want to distance herself from him instead of keeping him close. Communicating with her verbally abusive ex-boyfriend should be off limits if she wants to date you. She obviously feels there is a chance of them getting back together, and that is why she wants to keep lines of communication open.

  6. i would definitely be worried.cause I'm that other guy or ex bf.not yours for real,but have been in that situation where me and my ex were broken up.she had a bf and we still talked.well once i wanted to get back with her,she dropped him like a bad its not like they have kids together and have to talk.she is doing what me and my ex be careful.

  7. give her the altimatum...

  8. Yes, you are insecure. Try to find another girl because a girl like her will turn your life miserable. If she has a kids with her ex-boyfriends then that is alright.

  9. if I was you...I would say...bye deal..!!! him or me !! as simple as that !!....or better yet...I would just try to be friend with benefits.

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