
J.B. and little Shrub tomorrow..NCTS..?

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Will we see some fallout from Marty Ville? Im a huge fan of truck racing. Good race lined up for tomorrow night.




  1. I think the Shrub will act like a gentlemen Friday night! NOT!

  2. Experienced quality racers like Benson don't threaten to wreck people or go out and deliberately chase someone down and wreck them. What they do is race to win and if along that path they see a quarter panel that happens to be a little close they rub it a bit and it's just a racing deal.

  3. Nah, I don't think so.  It should be a good race, though.  Maybe little Shrub will get lost in the bushes?

    Go Jr.>>>>

  4. I don't foresee any fallout, I think I heard that they made nice afterward, looking forward to it!

  5. Craftsman Truck series Rules!!!!!!! Go get em Johnny Benson and Brendan Gaughn.

  6. I don't think so. Benson doesn't usually do that kind of thing.

  7. I doubt it T-bone !

  8. benson wont do anything on purpose   he is a regular there  

    busch is just there to play

  9. should be a good race. will there be payback? i doubt it. benson's a mellow guy. he may be able to hold a grudge, but he's not likely to put his own finish in danger just to get back at kyle.

    kyle's already admitted that that was his mistake - not only then, but even a couple days ago.  he admitted on nascar now that he messed up a few times at the beginning of the year, and pushed too far when he should have just accepted what his car could handle, and that he's "trying" to learn from it.  good luck there.

    time will tell.  but as humpy wheeler says, if i hear another guy say "it was a good points day" i think i'm going to throw up, so i hope kyle never says it.  i don't see that happening soon.

    --kyle's #1 fan

    (and proud member of rowdy's world)

    ps. ksuorion, gaughan won't have to worry about taking any c**p from kyle.  it's not like kyle's going to back up to hit him.


  10. Johnny Benson not really one to hold a grudge...Now if the Shrub gets in to Ron Hornaday, going to take more than Harvick to keep them boys apart, Ron could stomp that little shrub all the way down to the roots.. Gonna be a great race, after all these guys don't play nice...whooo hooooo!

  11. I don't think so.  JB's not the type to hold a grudge.*

    *I'm trying to refrain from answering too many questions regarding Scrub, er, Shrub.  Some people don't seem to care much for my answers.  lol  Not the first 2 posters to this question, though, they're cool.

  12. Dunno, we'll see, but I hope Shrub wrecks himself!  In fact I hope he wrecks himself for the next 30 races would be good.  lol

    Come on TBone come over to the Junior Fan's, we got Real Class!

  13. I dont see J.B. doing anything, he's too level headed.  However, after listening to SIRIUS radio, Brendan Gaughan wont take anything from  him.  I dont know if I would label it fallout from Marty Ville as much as fallout from the 'Shrubbys' actions all season in NCTS.

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