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I'm having a hard time explaining why I think this:

Stephenie Meyer is always trying to make Jacob seem like a bad guy! Can you help me prove this true? Use book references if you have to.

I lost my train of thought, and it doesn't feel like it's gonna be back anytime soon! >_<




  1. No, I don&#039;t think she tries to make Jacob seem like a bad guy at all.  He is the one who helps Bella when she is miserable after Edward dumps her, and he is always there for her, even when she makes it clear that she loves Edward, not him.  He&#039;s definitely a good guy.

  2. i think it just depends on how you see it

    maybe you lost your train of though because of you don&#039;t really think that

  3. Ummm let me think...

    -Imprinting on Renesmee

    -Thinking about when Edward left Bella, just to hurt Edward

    -Being so d**n erogent around Bella

    -Being negative about the Cullens around Bella, when he knows she&#039;s practially like family (or in the last couple books, is family)

    -Putting Bella&#039;s motercycle in front of her house and telling Charlie

    -Kissing Bella without asking, and then just assuming she loved him (but actually ended up being true in the end)

    -Coming to Forks High School (i forget the reason why... i think it was to mess with Edward)

    -Always mentioning how the Cullens &quot;smell&quot;...

    There are soooo many more reasons why, but I thought this was enough.... and if you can&#039;t tell, I don&#039;t really like Jacob!!

  4. No she&#039;s not.

    There&#039;s a purpose for Jacob&#039;s character.

    And he is in NO way a bad guy. He has every right to love Bella, and him imprinting on Bella&#039;s baby: it&#039;s involuntary. It&#039;s not his fault.

    Stephenie Meyer is simply telling things from Bella&#039;s point of view, and Bella was just mad at Jake at the time, but she still loves him like a brother.

    I don&#039;t think that Stephenie Meyer makes Jacob seem like the bad guy, and people should really try to see things from Jacob&#039;s perspective and try to see where he&#039;s coming from before they say, &quot;OH JACOB NEEDS TO DIE HE&#039;S SO GROSS BECAUSE HE IMPRINTED ON BELLA&#039;S BABY EWWWWW!&quot;

    Okay, it&#039;s not Stephenie Meyer that&#039;s making Jacob seem like a bad guy. It&#039;s every Twilighter that doesn&#039;t take the time to see where Jake is coming from and then they just find every excuse to make him seem like a bad person; even though he is doing NOTHING wrong and he has every right to be around Bella and every right to fight for what he loves.

    P.S. I&#039;m Team Edward by the way, but it doesn&#039;t mean that I hate Jake.

  5. Because she is not a good author and is poor in character development.

    I strongly disagree. Jacob is NOT the bad guy. He is so not the bad guy. He represented choice. He is what Bella would have chosen if she decided that the healthier option is better.

    Well, if she really does make Jake seem like the bad guy,

    I think it&#039;s because:

    Most of her fans (like, 90%) are pro-Edward and hate Jake. Because this is a huge percent of her fans, she wants to give them what they want and side with them. She wants to impress them. Because if she made Jake the good guy and let him win Bella, that huge percent will get mad at her--and that means LESS MONEY.

    Sad, right? I hate her. I don&#039;t like the way she writes. I don&#039;t like the ending she gave Jake. Jake is a good guy with a good heart. He deserved way better than that. But Meyer wanted to side with her fans who love Edward and wanted Jake to suck in the end, thinking it would impress them and make them satisfied. But hooray hooray, they weren&#039;t. And good for her. I heard A LOT have been returning their copies.

  6. because she is always like &quot;oh ya jacob is trying to get with me but i love edward&quot; and it seems that way because it seemsthat jacob is comming between edward and bella

  7. I don&#039;t agree that Stephenie Meyer is always trying to make Jacob Black seem like a villain. But I think that she should.


    I mean, seriously, imprinting on Bella&#039;s daughter? That&#039;s disgusting.

  8. Ha ha, Him kissing Bella, though she didn&#039;t want him to, made him seem bad. Then when she broke her hand punching him, sort of made him seem bad.

    All of his dirty comments about Edward make some people (not me) think he&#039;s mean.

    And when he teachers her to ride a bike, then ratting her out, that made him seem bad, though it was a good thing that he told Charlie.

    Also, thought it&#039;s normal for wolves, him imprinting on Renesmee (how ever you spell that) while she&#039;s that long.

    I love Jake! He&#039;s awesome. But when he first joined the pack his attitude was bad, and that made him seem like the bad guy at first.

    Morphing infront of Charlie!

    Cussing makes people seem bad too, I think.

    There&#039;s a lot more but I&#039;ll just leave it at that :) Good luck with w/e you&#039;re doing.

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