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how do you make onigiri with regular HOMEI rice, and what kind of fillings do you put in onigiri?




  1. You don't!  You really need the short or medium grain rice.  Check back in a few minutes.  I'll get you a web site that takes you step by step.

    ***** added info *****

    Take a look at this page.  It's very helpful.

  2. I use long grain rice to make it.  My mom thought me how to make onigiri. first make rice and put salt in there.  and use water to make ur hands wet and grap some of the rice and squeeze it and make shape.  and put nori.

  3. I agree with the first person, and I worked in Japan in the 1980's, most supermarkets now sell some form of sushi rice which is the best, otherwise a bag of short grain rice, even Italian rice for risotto is o.k in a pinch.

    As for me, I like them with pickled veg, umeboshi, bean paste and even a seafood mixture bound with mayo, Kewpie if it is available, but a bit of extra mustard powder with a bit of sugar is fine to  make a reasonable substitiute, I also make strips of nori to wrap around them, and have here in Toronto bought pickle chery leaves, even rolled them just in black and white sesame seed or the furikaki mix.

  4. Onigiri, is type of sushi by using palm and fingers and usually the top of such type of sushi is raw or cook shrimp, sashimi, or taco, squeed or octupus.  So there is no filling at all inside of Onigiri.  For the rice, u got to use shushi rice rather any souther asia rice which the texture of taste is quite different from the Japanese type.  U could put a piece of chop eggs, or any sea food u like on the top of rice and some green wasabi under the meat and wrap them all with a stripe of seeweed paper.  It is simple but need some skill or your rice will be crumbled....Ps.  for the rice you got to know how to make a sushi rice/

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