
JIVA TP-5800 touchscreen problem

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After a new installation of XP Pro, we installed the latest drivers forthe TP-5800 on two stations and at first everything was workingproperly. A few days later, the touchscreen was not working on one ofthe stations. Touching the screen would result in the pointerappearing to the left and lower than the actual point touched. Thenext day the same behavior occurred on the second station. On thatsecond station, we reinstalled the drivers exactly as instructed in thereadme file and subsequently we were able to use the calibrationprogram to correct the problem. However, following the exact sameprocedure (several times), we have not been able to correct the problemon the first station. After we reinstall the drivers for the keyboardand mouse and restart, the problem persists. Moreover when we attemptto run the calibration program, it allows us to touch the test pointsin the lower left and upper right corners of the screen, but when wetouch the final yellow test point in the center, the pointerconsistently appears to the left about midway between the left edge ofthe screen and the center of the screen and slightly lower than thevertical center. The calibration program then reports that the correctarea was not touched and it restarts. It should be noted that theentire time the mouse behaves normally and correctly. Also, bothstations have identical hardware including mouse and keyboard. Bothstations have new installations of XP Pro.


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