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Seat up when his family needed him....yet, Palin is career driven and willing to sacrifice her family? This isn't about men/women-this is about family values (isn't this typically a Republican issue)? Do Republicans really feel shes doing the right thing?




  1. All I can say is that the Vice President should have experience and they should be capable of becoming President.

  2. you said it brilliantly,i could not agree with you more.

    i do not think the republicans are the least bit

    concerned about palin doing the right thing. they are

    only interested in winning and maybe they think

    a woman v.p. will get the clinton vote. remember

    she got 18 million votes. you asked a great question.

  3. Willing to give up his seat? Really why did he keep it? Because Ted Kennedy talked him into it?

    Biden is a decent man but seriously, I am "willing" to give all my money to the poor but that is not the same as actually giving it.

  4. laughable is what the Rebups are. Obama is the man, so therefore he works, Michelle quit her job to support her man. Clintons daughter is GROWN. Palin still has kids sucking on her breast. WTF is up with that!

  5. And just how is Palin sacrificing her family? I don't see it. All I see & hear is whining from the Left, sour grapes because a Republican woman is set to be in the Oval Office before a Democrat woman.

    Women stopped being stay-at-home-moms back in World War Two. They often leave their children, even infants, in the care of others for 40 hours or more per week, often far more time than the mothers spend with them overall, yet few women have demanded that women should give up working to be full-time mothers.

    Why are you saying that Sarah Palin should give up the VP calling to stay at home?

    Women have been demanding more representation in politics, especially the higher levels, and now they're getting it with Nancy Pelosi as the 3rd highest ranking politician. Women have long wanted a woman in the Oval Office but infighting among your party members cost Clinton that spot. Obama chose Biden, making it appear that the option of a woman in the Oval Office would be put off for at least another four years, but now Sarah Palin will be the Vice President ... thanks to the Republicans.

    Why are you saying that Sarah Palin should not be Vice President?

    All you lefties can do is lie (I.E. Biden talked about giving up his Senate seat but he didn't actually do it; Palin's youngest will be raised by his father not by a nanny, etc) and complain, making up one weak excuse after another as to why Palin shouldn't be VP. But every pathetic excuse you come up with goes against everything women have been fighting to achieve.

    So her teenage daughter is pregnant. Big deal. Has no daughter of a Democrat or Liberal ever become pregnant? A few photos have surfaced appearing to show Bristol with alcohol. Has no daughter of a Democrat or Liberal ever been photographed with a bottle of alcohol? These things happen more often than not among families of both Democrats and Republicans alike. You libs expect everyone to believe this means Sarah Palin is unfit to lead, but at the same time if things like this happen to a Democrat politician it's no big deal.

    Some say the Republicans hold themselves to a standard that is too high, so they deserve to be brought down when they fail to meet their own expectations. We say that it is better to aim high and suffer the consequences of not meeting that goal than to aim for the sewers and claim victory for hitting the mark.

    Sadly, Democrats & Liberals have a double-standard, always excusing their own for poor behavior but castigating any Republicans who are remotely connected to any sort of lapse in moral judgment.

    But this time you go too far. Even Obama has said so. Bristol's behavior is not out of line for a typical teen these days; in fact such behavior is the norm. The only thing that separates Bristol's situation from a similar situation in a Democrat family is that the Democrat would insist she had an abortion, effectively hiding the shame in order to protect the family, where Bristol has cleaned up her act and is going to keep the baby, and has the full support of her family in doing so.

    Yes, Republicans really feel Sarah Palin is doing the right thing. She's doing what is best for her family; using her talents as a fantastic leader to help the USA in these trying times, which will in turn help her family.

    That's what being a Republican is all about ~ making the country strong so that individuals and their families can achieve their goals through their own hard work, and not expecting the government to hand us everything on a silver platter.

  6. the more i read these ignorant questions it's very obvious how desperate and scared you liberals are getting with palin on the ticket.

    that's ok, have your fun while you can.  

  7. But he did not give up his seat talk is cheap action means something, yes she is doing the right thing she has a strong family and is needed by her country, she will do great.  

  8. How is she going to "sacrifice her family" and how is it different from what Biden did?

    Biden considered giving up his Senate seat when his wife and one child were killed in a car accident that left two other children in critical condition.  But he didn't resign.  He took the job despite being a single parent with two seriously injured children.

    Palin has a child that has Down's Syndrome.  She is not a single parent and her husband is capable of taking care of the child.  Why is this not reasonable?

    Family values are not about a mother staying home taking care of children instead of working.  Family values are taking responsibility for one's own actions and keeping the family unit (husband, wife, and children) together instead of promoting broken families.

    TRUTH AIN'T HATE:  Michelle Obama didn't quit her job when her children were born.  Neither did Barack.  They put their kids in daycare.  She quit her job for personal gain because she wants to be "First Lady".

    CARRIE:  Shouldn't the president have experience and be capable of being president?  What experience does Obama have and what makes him capable?

    PIANOFAN:  Who was taking care of Biden's children when he spent all that time commuting from Delaware to DC?  Wouldn't it have been better to live closer to his job and take his kids with him?

    Are you saying that her husband is incapable of taking care of the children?  He is with them all of the time except for the couple of weeks each year that he works as a commercial fisherman.

    EDIT:  Sarah Palin didn't thrust her children into the media any more than Obama did his children.  The media used her children as a pawn because they needed some quick scandal because they didn't know anything about her.

  9. Willing, well he didn't.  

    Obama ENDORSED Palin! In his DNC speech he boasted about negotiating with the Canadians the Natural Gas Pipeline and the jobs it created and how green it was........SARAH PALIN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NATURAL GAS PIPELINE! Thanks for the thumbs-up Obama!

  10. Most of the people on YA don't understand why the democrats are so angry at Sarah Palin. They really don't give a rats **** about women or blacks it is all about pushing liberalism if Palin was a liberal democrat they would love her to pieces if Obama was a conservative they would rip him to pieces Liberalism is the agenda gender and color is just the tool they use to try and attain it.

    carriewpd.... is an ex of a liberal that does not make sense she wants the VP to have experience but she is willing to vote for someone to be President who has none.

  11. And they always talk about everything Palin has been through in her life... but imagine losing your wife and child like Joe Biden. Poor guy. I'm not saying that's why I'll vote for him, just that we forget that he has quite a bit of life experience, too.

  12. I AGREE

    I question the judgment of this old man McCain in picking a mayor from small town Alaska to be his VP . What type of bad decisions  will McCain make   in  fixing this country economy or in a crises   with a nuclear super power like Russia it could  be a disaster .

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  13. if the media didnt make such a big deal of wouldnt even notice kid....

    the media is doing everythign in their power to get obama in the white house

  14. I actually somewhat agree with you.  In my opinion there is a dramatic difference between Hillary and Palin when it comes to being in office...Hillary's child is an adult!  Palin has a newborn baby with downs a soon to be mom, I cannot imagine letting my disabled child be brought up by a nanny.  I agree that a woman can do anything she sets out to do, but the VP of the USA is a very time consuming position and she won't have much family time.  Personally I couldn't do it but obviously she feels different?

  15. I'm an Independent, basically middle of the road.....

    You are right about Senator Biden. He lost his first wife and a son in a car accident in the early 70's. His only other son, Beau was seriously injured in that accident and in the hospital. Senator Biden had already been elected but not yet sworn in and told his son, "Delaware can get another Senator, but you can't get another father."  He was sworn in at his sons side in the hospital, refused to take an apartment close to work, so throughout his entire career has taken the train back and forth every day so he can always be at home with his family at night.

    Now that son Beau is being deployed to Iraq....

    You are right that this isn't about men/women....Family values are just that....For anyone to say they think Mrs. Palin is doing the wrong thing is not being sexist....

    As an older woman who went through the early 60's....knows all about the feminist movement and it's continuation, I am growing more annoyed every time I hear that term being used.....

    I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I think Mrs. Palin has a family that really needs her. An infant with special needs, two other young girls, another daughter that will especially need her mom around....and a son who's also going to Iraq, along with a husband.  

    I think they all need her far more than Senator McCain does....I question her drive for this position over her family, even more so given recent events when she threw her daughter into the world wide spot light....

  16. Her husband stays home with the kids. I doubt anyone will have the guts to say anything like that to her face. I would love to see Obama running of the stage crying and saying "she hit me". Why are you so scared of a woman in higher office ? Is it jealousy ?

  17. And who is asking, the Dems? The Dems not only told women it was ok to pursue a career, they make stay-at-home-moms feel like worthless slugs. NOW that there's a strong woman on the Rep side, suddenly, it's not OK to go to work when you have babies.

    Make up your minds!

    BO has two small children. Why is it OK for him to run for President? Palin is only seeking the VP spot - not nearly as taxing.


  18. Isn't that what the womens feminist movement fought for, career AND family?

    ..or does that only apply when there is a 'D' after their name?

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