
JOEL OSTEEN SERMON: IsItPersistence or rudeness to wake neighbors for food on behalf of an unexpected guest?

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Dear Joel,

Hello how are you?

I am contacting you because I am seeking clarification on one of your sermons regarding persistence.

You told a story that took place a long time ago in the Middle East while people were still living in tents/camps. I think it was about Jesus or some other main character who welcomed in a stranger in the middle of the night. The unexpected guest requested food and the host had no food. He went to his neighbor in the middle of the night, knocked and shouted, "Is anybody home? I need 3 loaves of bread to feed an unexpected stranger/guest who arrived at my door." The neighbor answered "Go away, I'm sleeping." However, the host yelled and knocked louder. And the neighbor again, yelled to go away. On the third attempt where the host yelled very loud and pounded on the door, the neighbor go up and gave him the 3 loaves of bread and told him, "I'm giving this to you because I want to get you off my back, not because you are my neighbor."

You then said the moral is: Persistence pays off.

I want to know, in today's society, that neighbor could have sued the host for disturbing the peace, or violating private property. Isn't that wrong? I think this persistence could possibly be interpreted as rudeness, and breaking the law.

Furthermore, in another sermon, you say that "other's people's problems are other people's problems". Mind your own business and similiar philosophies. If this guest messed up, got lost ,and ended up at the host's place requesting food and shelter, is it the host's responsiblity to help him? burden his neighbors?

Please let me know!


PS: Is there a blog or online site where I can post these questions?




  1. Persistence pays off, you've got to be kidding?!?  That's no different than a kid throwing a tantrum in a store to so they can get a toy.  They've learned that if you scream, yell and cry long enough Mom and Dad given in.  Why, because they were taught persistence pays off.

    Sorrry to say it sounds like a 'It's all about me" excuse for ones actions.  It also does not take into account that the person you wronged (yes, the persistence in ones eyes is just downright rude behavior) no longer looks at you the same way.  

  2. Personally I don't think he used a very good example for trying to teach about persistence. Actually, I don't think this particular Bible story has anything to do with persistence. Here's why: the man who finally gave in and gave the other man the bread only gave it to him because he wanted him to go away. He didn't give from his heart. Therefore, that man is not blessed by God because he didn't give for the right reason. This right here should be a key point in the sermon of a man who calls himself Christian.

    This other sermon of his about minding your own business - yes, technically it's the host's responsibility, but atleast the host was willing to help his guest and the ony way he could do so was to ask his neighbor for help. Therefore, this goes back to the neighbor not being willing to help out a friend, like a Christian should do.  Absolutely nothing to do with persistence at all, though =/

    P.S. - I need to read this particular Bible story again, so I might be wrong in what I'm telling you. However, from what you're telling me, this is what I'm getting out of this sermon.

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