
JOe Biden? Is he the right choice?

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I thought Obama wanted change...Im not for Obama or McCain yet...but did Obama think that he wasnt strong enough politically that he had to have Joe Biden, who months ago said that Obama wasnt ready to be president.....




  1. well two ways to look at the Biden choice. Simply Obama is a left winger who doesn't support the war in iraq and has said he is an agent of change not a washington type political figure. well he has proven by his choice of Biden who supported the war the in Iraq then flippflopped. Obama isn'tt the agent of change and picking an washington insider like Biden wont shake the polls here down the south cause a poll i saw Biden has under 45% approval ratings and is a northeast liberall which doesn't appeal to the midwest and south. Also note to yahoo politcal ego recent poll has Mccain 46% Obama 43% here in Florida. Now Mccain needs a conservative to help keep Florida red.

  2. I think Biden is a good man. And Obama needs to have an older white man to balance him out. It just looks better. And I don't mean that in a racist way at all.

  3. Biden will be a gift that does not stop giving for the McCain Campaign.  The guy constantly puts his foot in his mouth and is a known plagiarist!  Obama just handed McCain the election!  And talk about the "Ant-Change" VP, the guy is a total beltway insider.  When I saw the newspaper this morning that showed Obama had chosen Biden, my first instinct was to laugh, and then I could not stop laughing.  Yeah Obama really needed Biden to help the Democrats capture the notoriously "red" state of Delaware! LOL!  This was such a horrible pick for Obama.  If he was smart he would have chose Senator Bayh from Indiana.  If he can't even choose a good VP, just think of the bad decisions he will make as President!  

  4. it doesn't matter if he is the right choice.  He is Obama's choice.

  5. Biden is bad for Obama's election , but very good VP choice for a serious president.

  6. Joe Biden is capable of working with change.  He wants change.  I want change.  Most Americans want change.  

    Let's move this thing along and quit nitpicking so much.

    Your choices are:  Move forward, stand still, go backwards in your head.

    I recommend the former.

  7. i hate joe biden, he is so liberal and a moron. If Obama becomes president he will make change...but i think for the worst

  8. I agree. I have a hard time forgetting what was said in the primary. Biden smacked Obama and now has a whole different opinion. It completely destroys any creditability that he might have had. What can he say now? Oh, I was just joking before when I said those things on national tv. Our elections should be something that we Americans could be proud of. Instead, with the lies and hate that goes on now, I'm almost embarrassed. And don't forget, Hillary is not out YET. I know them and you are making a mistake if you count her out. I would not bet a dollar against a hundred that it's over. I've seen too much.

  9. Without a doubt Joe Biden is the right choice.  The man brings experience, intelligence and a pair of balls to the ticket.  He will make a fine complement to Obama.

    It isn't only me that feels this way.  Conservative columnist David Brooks wrote yesterday:

    "Barack Obama has decided upon a vice-presidential running mate. And while I don’t know who it is as I write, for the good of the country, I hope he picked Joe Biden"

    The rest of his column praising Joe Biden is linked below :)

  10. Isn't Joe Biden a little old?

  11. Beltway Joe ?

    No, no, no.

    Obama just lost the election. He should have

    picked a woman.

  12. Obama is who i think...u might think different....

  13. Biden, on a post-debate appearance on MSNBC, October 30, 2007: “The only guy on the other side who’s qualified is John McCain.”  

  14. Maybe he was able to change Biden's mind on the issues.  I really don't think he would consider running with someone he doesn't believe in.  

  15. Obama started out with the whole "change" campaign, then he started attacking McCain and has now transformed into what he said he'd never be. Now he's just another politician! So much for "change"!

  16. was obama the right choice to be the democratic canidate???? i don't think so.  is joe biden the right choice? who the F knows. people are retarded for voting for obama in the first place, he is just fooling us all with his smooth talk.

    the only reason he beat hillary is cuz black people who  probably never voted b4 in their entire lives ran out to the polls to support obama. if obama was white he would never be where he is today, and that's the truth.


  17. people change, ya know? i think obama made the right choice!

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