
JURY DUTY: How much should I have been paid?

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I was recently called for federal jurty duty. The letter stated that the summons was for a period of 10 days. As it worked out, I served one day & wasn't required to 'call-back' NOW! Fast forward a few weeks. I've just received my check- and I opened it and was shocked that it's for about $450! Does anyone here know if that's an apppropriate figure for federal jury duty service?? I've genuinely TRIED to find ANYone to call who can verify the amount. Goodness knows I have no moral problem with accepting the money- but I'd rather not spend this money on such frivolities as $3/gas and groceries; only to have them come knocking 90-days from now demanding their money back. And while I can 'rationalize' it by estimating that I was being paid for the 10-days (despite the fact that I only had to make the drive ONCE)... I'd really like to KNOW that this money's mine to keep before I celebrate.




  1. I was able to find a quote of $40 a day for federal jury service in this FAQ: (no idea how recently it's been updated). But it does seem odd that you would be paid for days you didn't serve or have to report. I'd keep making phone calls to verify that you are entitled to that amount - best if you could get it in writing.

  2. If you were over paid by the Federal Government, I guarantee they will ask for the money back once they discover their mistake!

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