
JUST IN: Palin's daughter IS PREGNANT! So does this undercut her morals c**p? ?

by Guest57615  |  earlier

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  1. Not at all.  Her daugher is an individual and makes her own choices.

  2. Well everyones ideas of morals are different. It does show that the abs tinence only c**p doesn't work.

  3. At least she is going to keep the child and marry the father.  Not to mention her parents are there for her.  Family values really scare the c**p out of you, don't they?

    Your party claims to be understanding toward unexpected pregnancy yet you go and bash this child?  No different than when the left attacked Cheney's L*****n daughter even though you all claim to be so understanding towards homosexuals.  Only when it is convenient, right?

  4. Typical hypocritical religious double talk.  

  5. Ok, I am not a supporter of Palin, in fact I will not vote for -  but I will say this: she cannot make choices for her daughter, that cannot all be put on her. Parenting may be partly to blame, but not necessarily.

    I think if anyone is looking to stain her reputation, they need to go directly to the source. What has she done, rather than what her daughter has. Believe me, theres pleanty of dirt out there.

  6. it sure kills the story that mom took her daughters child c**p

  7. At least they don't think of the baby as a punishment like a certain Senator running for president.  

    They are instead embracing it as a blessing with full support of the pregnancy and marriage from her parents. That's what family morals are. People make mistakes and don't always make the best choices, but the key is in how they and their family deal with it.

  8. Look, we all fall short.  This is a child.  A child that got caught up.  She's not the first one and she won't be the last.  Let this go.

    And I am a Dem.

  9. No. Palin's daughter isn't running for Vice President.

    Since when can parents control everything their teenage kids do?   Teenage kids make their own decisions and their own mistakes.  

  10. It certainly should make her more humble and less judgmental. I wish the girl all the best, and the young man who will marry her.

    I don't find much appealing in Palin, though..

  11. If the ever-so-chaste Chelsea is off limits, Bristol should be, as well.

    Typical Dem double standard.

  12. Holy Mother of God! s*x before marriage. That's a cardinal sin. Palin couldn't prevent her daughter from sinning. How can she help America?

  13. its her DAUGHTER idiot

    i think you should know as a teenager that your parents do not control you.   who cares

  14. Remember when Kerry and many of you Democrats talked about Cheney's daughter?  One would have to wonder why you didn't learn your lesson then.

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