
JW's: Holiday pay ?

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JW's if you work somewhere that gives holiday pay do you refuse it? If not why?




  1. If a worker felt that his work was not dangerous, would he be compelled to refuse "danger pay"?

    If a worker felt that his work did not involve hardship, would he be compelled to refuse "hardship pay"?

    The questioner's silliness seems intended primarily to disparage Jehovah's Witnesses.

    A typical Jehovah's Witness would understand his brother's or sister's decision to be his or her own, to make according to his or her conscientious and actual understanding of the "holiday pay" (or perhaps "bonus"). It is well-known that Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate pagan holidays, but they also do not superstitiously reject something merely because it has been tagged by someone else with a "holiday" nickname. For example, fruitcake does not become unacceptable simply because it is sometimes called Christmas cake.

    Of course, Jehovah's Witnesses work to please God and Christ, and understand that no seeming "loophole" could ever deceive the divine judges who can read the heart.

    ...(1 Samuel 16:7) Mere man sees what appears to the eyes; but as for Jehovah, he sees what the heart is.

    ...(Jeremiah 17:10) I, Jehovah, am searching the heart, examining the kidneys, even to give to each one according to his ways

    ...(Mark 2:8) Jesus, having discerned immediately by his spirit that they were reasoning that way in themselves, said to them: “Why are you reasoning these things in your hearts?

    ...(Genesis 18:25) Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?

    A Jehovah's Witness may choose to accept extra pay or a bonus or a gift if he sincerely believes that the giver intends it to be something other than an aspect of a pagan celebration. It would seem that a critic who pretends some special insight into the conscientious thoughts of another may benefit from professional counseling and the Bible's practical advice.

    ...(Psalm 119:69,70,78) The presumptuous have smeared me with falsehood. As for me, with all my heart I shall observe [God's] orders. Their heart has become unfeeling... Let the presumptuous ones be ashamed

    ...(Proverbs 11:27) He that is looking for good will keep seeking goodwill; but as for the one searching for bad, it will come upon him.

  2. I don't get holiday pay for the three-day-weekend holidays such as Labor Day, because my work schedule is Tuesday through Saturday.  Maybe out of conscience a JW who works the holiday and gets the statuted compensation he can't refuse could donate it to me?  

    Or better yet, to charity?

  3. Look at all the excuses to accept money. It's the Law, it's really not celebrating the Holiday, blah, blah, blah.

    As a Witnesses, I would always refuse a Christmas Bonus, which many Witnesses distort into an end of year bonus.

    I would also tell my employer that I would  prefer to work or not get paid for the religious holidays. That came in handy for my employer as in my former profession we worked around the clock.

    If you take money for Christmas, Easter etc., you're a hypocrite.

    Of course, if you work in a business or plant that is closed on a holiday, you don't have much of a choice.

    Incidentally, Holiday, is actually a "Holy Day". Is Christmas Holy to JW's?

  4. One supervisor said, "I love Jehovah's Witnesses! They have no excuse for not working holidays."  

  5. Accepting Holiday Pay at secular employment is not considered a "gift" from the employer.  It is their policy to pay their employees on certain days off.  Also, it is a conscience matter... maybe some JW's do not accept it.

    So, each time someone is off for Veteran's Day or some other "smaller" holiday, do they go home to celebrate it enthusiastically?  I know that when I was not a JW, I did not take my day off on "Flag Day" to parade around celebrating it.

  6.   Witnesses are sticklers for the way that they have formulated obedience to scripture..The inconsistencieses in obedience to scripture is baffeling.

    If Holidays are pagan, then they sohould not care that it is a violation of labor law to deny their holiday pay or christmas bonuses...they are required to be faithful.....they should put Gods laws above the laws of man.

    It would be easy to tear up a holiday check or christmas bonus

  7. I can't because its against the law, payroll will not allow it.  We must respect the laws of the land so as long they don't conflict with God's.  

    Did you know that bethel doesn't stop working on Holidays?  But it does in lands where its against the law to work on holidays.  

  8. What about Christmas bonuses?

  9. Yes I would because I would work that day if the company was open. It is a day that the company decided to take off, not me. Has nothing to do with celebrating it.

  10. I have to take the holiday pay and be off that day. My work is not open on holidays and payroll will not let me not take the money because of the law. But I don't go home and celebrate the holiday.

  11. Holiday pay is a statuted compensation. It cannot be refused, as that would place the employer in violation of labor laws that require it.

    This has nothing to do with the JW doctrine of not celebrating holidays.  

  12. you can give the money to king dom hall
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