
JW's: New light? ?

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JW's with all the doctrinal changes your religion has undergone since the beginning how can you trust what you are taught today? Your organization once worshiped Jesus and celebrated Christmas. Now you teach that this is wrong. How do you know what you are teaching today will not be declared invalid in the future? If your doctrine keeps changing how can you trust it?




  1. Yes, they trust the WT. Unbelievable but true

  2. I've always wondered if at those district assemblies,  they ever look at the information in their shiny, newly-released publications and wonder when it's going to be considered "Old Light."

  3. They change a lot.  In fact, they have changed what they thought the end of the world would be several times!  It would be embarrassing if it weren't for the fact that people are gullible enough to fall for the excuses given for the false predictions.  They will trust it no matter its history, because that is the name of the game for religion.  Don't question, just do as you are told.

  4.'s called adjusting and I realize it's not something you worldly care to do.  When we understand something better, we make those adjustments necessary.  It's just people like you, grasping at any imagined straw, who make it an issue.

    Even the apostles had to be corrected and adjust what they believed from time to time.  It's not really a new concept to God's people.  If something more needs adjustment, we'll make the necessary change and keep going.  We know it's the Truth, but you are blinded to that.

    Still, you're getting your support and high fives from your fellow haters and apostates, so you should be happy.  

  5. The Watchtower can't be trusted. They've proved this time and time again.  But their followers have blindly put their faith in men, instead of God, so they continue to follow after the WTS at all cost!

    Vot: Time has proven your previous teachings false. Time will also prove your current teachings false. ("This generation" comes to mind.)

    Moses: I've addressed this time and time again. I have even set up a blog just for you:

    How would you like it if I answered every single question with a non-answer, going on and on about the attrocities of your religion, such as those who refused to have organ transplants and lost their lives before the "NEW LIGHT" (which was really OLD LIGHT) said it was, once again, okay to have transplants?  Or what about those who refused blood fractions, prior to new light?  Or the "brothers" in Malawi who were persecuted, imprisoned, beaten for not accepting a party card, but the Mexican Witnesses had approval to bribe the officials to obtain cards identifying them as members of the reserves who had fulfilled a year of military service.  Or what about SILENT LAMBS?!??!  All the children who have been SEXUALLY ABUSED by Jehovah's Witnesses, then silenced so "as not to bring reproach on 'jehovah'" while the pedofiles remained in "good standing" in the Kingdom Hall????

    Sure, I'll bring those issues up, but only when it's RELATED to the question!!!!

    I'd much rather stick to discussion of Scriptures!

    Have a nice day!

  6. I believe that if the proper information was given to JWs in a caring and non-biased manner, better results could be achieved. There is truly enough information out there now to expose the JWs as a cult.When you are incapable of using your own critical thinking skills, as a result of indoctrination, then the process becomes much harder. In other words, the more you find fault with them, the more likely they are going to withdraw further into their belief system. Being more informative and compassionate towards them, I believe, would have far greater results.

  7. Hey Edge- post that article from 110 years ago that you posted last year- that was COOL!!!

    Where do you guys find those articles that no one alive today received in the field ministry? Ooooh- so many dark Watchtower secrets in those old magazines.

    The light is increasing. Why insist on using a 0.0000001 watt bulb? Show us what is wrong with something you have read in the September 2008 magazine. You've asked this question over and over again. Our answers are the same.

    Vot has never been a fan of ancient reading material, be it religious, scientific or fiction.

  8. That's the problem. JW always get defensive and hostile when you ask them questions they cant answer. Their religion constantly changes because it is simply not true. Ex. JW have predicted the return of jesus so many times that it is ridiculous. They have to keep changing it because they keep finding fault. And you can thumbs down me all you want! If it weren't faulty there would be no need to change it.
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