
JW's - When do you say Jehovah created Jesus ? And is Jesus your saviour, or Jehovah ?

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NWT reads in Isaiah 43:10-11:

10 “YOU are my witnesses,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that YOU may know and have faith in me, and that YOU may understand that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none. I—I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.”

"... after me there continued to be none" - Does that mean Jehovah God always was, and time went on and there continued to be none (no other God), then at some finite point in time, Jehovah God CREATED Jesus ?

So in the beginning, Jehovah.... he always was, then there continued to be no other God, then Jehovah created another God, namely Jesus - but he was inferior - like "a" God, but less than Almighty God, is that your view ?

Please, no cut-n-pastes from ...




  1. I think you've got this wrong, JW's don't believe that Jesus is God, they believe He was just a Prophet, we Christians on the other hand, believe that Jesus is God's Son, but non the less still God, because we believe in the Holly Trinity. God Father, God Son and God Holly Spirit, but they are all one God.

  2. No, this means that JESUS is that God that was manifest in flesh!! Don't you read the Bible at all?? I don't think so!! I think that you only read the EXCLUSIVE NEW WORLD BIBLE! Am I wrong? Uuuups!!

    1rs of Timothy 3:16 says:

    "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was MANIFEST in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."

    Good luck in the look for your answers!

  3. Repeatedly the Scriptures refer to God as Savior. At Isaiah 43:11 God even says: “Besides me there is no savior.” Since Jesus is also referred to as Savior, are God and Jesus the same? Not at all. Titus 1:3, 4 speaks of “God our Savior,” and then of both “God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.” So, both persons are saviors. Jude 25 shows the relationship, saying: “God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Italics added.) (See also Acts 13:23.) At Judges 3:9, the same Hebrew word (moh·shi′a‛, rendered “savior” or “deliverer”) that is used at Isaiah 43:11 is applied to Othniel, a judge in Israel, but that certainly did not make Othniel Jehovah, did it? A reading of Isaiah 43:1-12 shows that verse 11 means that Jehovah alone was the One who provided salvation, or deliverance, for Israel; that salvation did not come from any of the gods of the surrounding nations.

    Jehovah used his only-begotten Son as the master worker in creating all other things, that is, all things besides Jesus himself. (Proverbs 8:27-30; John 1:3) Rightly, the Son derives pleasure from these works, and in this sense they are “for” him.

    It was right that God would have his coworker, Jesus, derive pleasure from his accomplishments. In fact, Proverbs 8:31 says that the Son ‘was glad at the productive land of his earth, and the things he was fond of were with the sons of men.’ It is in this sense that Colossians 1:16 says: “All other things have been created through him and for him.”

    Scriptures speak for Jehovah, not our words but Jehovah's words.

  4. The JWs believe that Jesus was Michael the Archangel in human form. They also believe that Jesus was unique. However, a quick read of the Bible will easily show these beliefs as error. The Book of Daniel calls Michael "one of the chief princes". If he is one of, that means he isn't unique because there is at least one more that is the same. The Book of Jude records a dispute between Michael and Satan over the body of Moses. Michael didn't dare rail an accusation against Satan but said the Lord rebuke you. Considering how the demons reacted to Jesus and His authority and considering how He could even cast out a legion of them from one man with a simple command, it doesn't stand to reason that Michael and Jesus are one and the same.

  5. In answer to the question in bold, the Scriptures seem rather obvious that Jehovah (as Father) empowers Jesus (as Son) to be humankind's savior.. ..

    (1 John 4:14) The Father has sent forth his Son as Savior of the world

    (John 3:17) God sent forth his Son into the world... for the world to be saved through him.

    (Acts 5:30,31) The God of our forefathers raised up Jesus... God exalted this one as Chief Agent and Savior

  6. JW believe that jesus is not god and is not holy. apparently he was just some dude. They dont know what they are talking about.

  7. Regarding your 1st questions: "When do you say Jehovah created Jesus" The proverbs 8:22 (which many believe Jesus is the one speaking) says "The Lord CREATED me at the beginning of his work,*

    the first of his acts of long ago" (NRSV)

    Regarding your question about saviour: At Isaiah 43 Jehovah is speaking to the Israelites, and who happened to be their saviour? It is Jehovah only, the foreign gods of the surrounding nations will not be able to stand against Jehovah, that is why there will be no other god who is to Israel's saviour. But sadly, physical Israel ceased to become a chosen nation.

    In our time, in order to free us from sin and death, Jehovah lovingly sent Jesus His son (Romans 5:12-14).  John 3:16 clearly says that whoever puts faith in him (Jesus) will not perish. But the verse itself also tells that it is God's love that move Him (Jehovah) to send Jesus.

    Though Jesus was referred by some verse (e.g, John 1:1, Isaiah 9:6), this does not make him the ALmighty God like Jehovah.  Angels are mentioned as elohim (gods) in the book of  OT but that does not make them the Almighty God.  Even the judges were called as such.

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