
JWs. Regularly Pioneering?

by  |  earlier

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Tell me how to manage doing the necessary hours especially when something might intervene (eg the partner doesn't feel well and has to go home) and considering 4 seasons (you can't street witness before 10 am when is winter).




  1. As in the case of "partner doesn't feel well",

    You have to be determined to let nothing stop you from going out.

    even if it means 'by yourself"

    My Aunt who pioneered moved from a large congregation with many pioneers to a small rural congregation, where she was the only pioneer.

    After months of going alone, she prayed to Jehovah and explained that no matter what she would continue pioneering.

    the very next week, three sisters offered to go out with her on different days.

    Jehovah blesses the spirit you show.


  2. Better to ask the regular pioneers in your cong or those who live where you live.

    Different conditions in different parts of the world.

    You regular pioneering?

    Hope to join you soon :-D

  3. you will get a better answer from your congregation elders.

  4. You could just make up the hours like several "pioneers" I've known.

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