
JWs is it true that theWatchtower Owns Warfare Technology?

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I Found infomatoin about this. Can you confirm it?

The Watchtower Society owns 50% stock in Rand Cam - so much for its pacifist claims and prohibitions on political involvement. Among their products is an engine used in smart bombs.

“On December 6, 2001 we announced that a U.S. Navy contract (SBIR No1-144) has been awarded to Advanced Ceramics Research (prime contractor) and REGI U.S., Inc. to build and test a Naval 0.5 horsepower ceramic engine. The proposed engine is a four stroke Rand Cam engine utilizing continuous injection and combustion in a single combustion chamber. The engine will be of all ceramic construction to permit high temperature operation, without cooling, to effectively burn heavy oil. This new motor will be developed for powering the U.S. Navy’s new Smart War-fighter Array of Re-configurable Modules (SWARM) low cost unmanned aerial vehicle. On April 4, 2002 we announced that we signed an agreement to grant a license to Advanced Ceramics Research, Inc. (”ACR”) for the Rand Cam based motors for 10 H.P. or less for the SBIR No 1-144 Navy Contract for the remote piloted applications. We agreed that a 5 year contract will also be granted to ACR for the Rand Cam concept motors for the commercial and military rights for the applications developed under the Navy contract for 10 H.P or less.”

Is this new? Not really. Here’s another example from the site, a report written to illustrate that although the Watchtower Society and Jehovah’s Witnesses condemn war or any such involvement in warfare, it was indeed one of their own devout ministers who was instrumental in the production of weapons of mass destruction specifically during WW2. Clarence Gilbert Taylor (JW) was founder of the (Taylorcraft) Corporation, and set up nine different companies in the mass production of warfare technology. In addition to the famous Taylorcrift Airplanes, just one of these companies - strangely called Gibson Refrigerator Company - contracted and manufactured the following:

1. Incendiary Bombs

2. Chemical Bombs

3. Chemical Bomb Clusters

4. Anti-Aircraft Guns

5. Navy Practice Bombs

6. Aircraft Parachute Flare Bombs

7. Bomb Shackles

8. Jettison Aircraft Fuel Tanks

9. Liberator Bomber Wing Flaps

10. Computer Parts for Large Caliber Anti-Aircraft Guns and Shipboard Guns

11. Engine Parts for Aircraft and Tanks

12. Bomb Housing Band Sets

13. Bomb Sight Lens Polishers

14. CG4A Bomber Gliders

15. Mustard Gas

There is extensive documentation.




  1. An official letter from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, dated November 1, 2002 dealing with this issue:

    "After looking into this matter when it was first raised, we found that none of the legal corporations used by the Governing Body in caring for Kingdom interests own stock in the Rand Cam Corporation or any associate company involved in developing the diesel engine in question. The facts are that two brothers originally involved in inventing and developing the engine made a private agreement years ago (of which we were not notified) to send a portion of any profits realized from the venture to the Watch Tower Society as a gift for its worldwide work. Subsequently, circumstances required that rights to ownership and developing the engine be transferred to a holding company not controlled by them. The Watch Tower Society was erroneously listed as a stockholder in information published by the holding company, and this error has now been corrected. Hence, the charge is totally false. Moreover, the Watch Tower Society has received no contributions as a result of the original private agreement made between the two brothers."

    You are also quick to label this "Gilbert Taylor" as a brother in good standing with the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. But that is your weakest link.

    Please produce the EVIDENCE showing conclusively that Gilbert Taylor was one of Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing throughout his entire career with the company when it was involved in the above manufacturing operations.

    =Edit to Blessed=

    Well from the looks of it Blessed, the only ones here who have proven themselves untrustworthy are the ones making these accusations against the WBTS. We had the official letter and response from them given in my question, and then we had the SEC reports to confirm everything that the society said happened.

    And if the whole Rand Cam accusation has been debunked and proven to be a lie, then why on earth would we possibly trust the NGO allegations as well? The website below will examine that for you.

  2. LOL- this apostie question is so last year.....  If you believe that, I guess you'd believe anything.

    Why not pick on something more dramatic- like the fact that since JWs never cheat on their taxes, they are the chief financial backers of the US war in Iraq!!!

    The JWs are smart- they supply the cash for the war, then sit back safe at home, while the other "Christians" supply the cash for the war AND get into the army and get blown into a thousand bits of minced meat by the Iraqi Army.

    Hmmmm... I'd rather be a JW

    Answer to the Question: No, it is not true.


    Chuckie HAHAHA!!!!

    Russia is Vot's home country???? Are you crazy???? Dude- once I get my final exam done, Vot is leaving this place on the earliest flight possible!!!

    My degrees will follow me home via DHL!!!

    No offense to the Russians, but Vot is the wrong colour to live here, sorry.

  3. no.

    According to the SEC report:

    James McCann the inventor of the Rand Cam donated shares of his company "Rand CAM Engine, Inc." to the Watchtower.

    It is the parent company "REGI US INC" that owns the U.S. rights to the Rand Cam (TM) technology who decided to sell it to such companies as Radion for military applications.

    When that occured the Watchtower dumped the donated shares because of the military applications. They no longer own REGI U.S. Inc.

    For example the 1999 SEC report shows the Watchtower donated shares:

    The 2003 SEC report does not:

  4. No. The information is WRONG!

    The company does exist.

    " Among their products is an engine used in smart bombs."

    Not true. The engine is used for the following

    "Smart War-fighter Array of Re-configurable Modules (SWARM) low cost unmanned aerial vehicle."

    Also known as a Predator drone which is an unmanned, unarmed reconnaissance drone.

    From one of many Yahoo groups where this has been posted and shown to be misleading.

    ""Rand Cam Engine Corp. is a privately held company whose stock is reportedly owned 50% by The Watchtower Society, a religious organization, 34% by James McCann and the balance by several other shareholders. Mr. McCann has indicated that he donated the shares held by The Watchtower Society to that organization but has

    retained a voting proxy for those shares. Accordingly, in Notes (3) and (4) above, beneficial ownership of the 5,073,200 shares registered in the name of Rand Energy Group Inc. has been attributed to The

    Watchtower Society and Mr. McCann. "

    So what do you do with a stock you can't sell or even give away since you have no say in how it's proxy is voted?

  5. Interesting. It will be interesting to know what they have to say. Thanks for sharing

  6. Hmm, why does Vot's answer sound very anti- US Army and very pro- Iraqi Insurgent Army? Might it have anything to do with the US's involvement with getting Russia (Vot's home country) and its Army out of Georgia? Be careful, Vot! Patriotism and nationalism displeases Jehovah! You must remain neutral, remember?!

    Blessed is right. This pales in comparison with the organization's NGO membership to the United Nations, whom they claim is the "wild beast" mentioned in Revelation;

    "That “rod” will be member nations of the United Nations—an organization pictured in Revelation as a seven-headed, ten-horned, scarlet-colored wild beast.—Revelation 17:3, 15-17" Isaiah's Prophecy volume 1 chap. 26 p. 345 par. 7

    Of course, as always, ANY excuse that the organization gives for why it was an NGO member of the UN until publicly exposed by a British reporter will be unquestioningly believed and accepted by the majority of JWs. Nevertheless, we press on in the hopes of reaching those JWs who do have a heart receptive to the REAL truth and who despise deception!

  7. There is a difference of definition with the words cults and occults.

  8. Do the Watchtower men of New York talk from both sides of their mouths.  Well I say they just need an excuse of not going into war.  If they can't walk the walk; don't talk the talk.  No defending our Country but the money out of war is good enough for them.  Shame, shame, shame.  What would Jehovah do?

  9. Ah, shucks, Oberon! I liked your first answer much better, only without the sarcasm:

    "I hear that the JW's are involved with the Illuminati too....NWO related for sure. They're probably watching this question right now"

    Might do you some good to investigate before you scoff!

    And why would we trust the "official" Watchtower position on anything?  Documented evidence would be far more useful! ;)  Such as with the United Nations disgrace.

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