
Jack Dempsey vs Wladimir Klitschko and Rocky Marciano vs Vitali Klitschko?

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Would the smaller guys be able to beat the bigger guys or are the Klitschko brothers too big for someone like Marciano and Dempsey to be able to handle.

What are your opinions on these 2 fights.




  1. JD had no problem finding the chin of bigger fighters.    Guys like Klitschko were tailor made for him.  People don't seem to realize just how agile JD was, and how he could move in and out like a mongoose against a cobra.  You had to be a fast guy with good solid defense to withstand Dempsey, and a good chin to absorb the odd haymaker that inevitably penetrated good defense.

    Marciano-Klitsscko?  Not so sure RM would find VK's chin, but as it stands, I think this fight could be a push.

  2. Marciano even though he was only 5'11 would show eaither Klitchko what a champion is. They would probubly beat Dempsey. But Marciano feasted on big opponants, relying on there slow speed to get inside and fire hooks and uppercutes.

    Given Wladimir's chin and cowardness Marciano would floor him in the first 30 seconds of the fight.

    Vitali might offer more resistance, but in the end the result would be the same, Marciano by Knockout.

    Id give Dempsey a shot, but not a good one. Im my opinion Dempsey is over rated.

  3. two words for you Emmanuel Stewart enought said

  4. An old saying that my dad used to say was it's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the dog in the fight would certainly ring true here.  The fact of the matter is that both Dempsey and Marciano were tough as nails and could fight.  And could they punch!  Marciano trained to fight at 185-188 lbs to build his stamina and could knock you out early or late in a fight.  He actually weighed a more natural 205-215 lbs but trained like the gladiator he was to get to that weight which was very hard.  So instead of eating just the steak juice from steaks, what if he would have eaten the steaks?  He was also harder to hit than people know and great at rolling his shoulders to avoid punches, slipping and countering, and ducking.  Because of his style people assume he was an easy target but in reality it's not true.  Watch some youtube films of him regarding his defense and the truth is evident.  He was a lot harder to hit than someone like Joe Frazier and had dynamite in both fists.  Dempsey had a chin of iron and fought much in the same style as Tyson with his bob and weave technique.  It is my opinion that Marciano would have battered one Klitschko brother around the ring for about 6 rounds before connecting solidly with a booming right hand knocking him out in 7 rounds.  Dempsey would have done pretty much the same to the other brother and knocked him out in say 8 rounds.

  5. Klitschkos will dominate

  6. Lol I needed this laugh today thank u James u da man!

    ''The Manessa Mauler'' would do just that to the china chinned tu-tu wearing poke and run fairy known as ''Dr.Lamehammer''. Dempsey would probably have to chase Klitschko around the ring, and yes he would give up alot in height and weight, but power and heart would be the huuuuuuge difference.

    If Wlad could withstand the initial assault from Jack he would be on his bicycle and poking and pawing with his overrated jab trying to keep Dempsey at bay.

    If this fight lasted more than 5 rounds it would be a shock. Dempsey had no patience with pansy fighters and if u look at old film he liked a brawl simple as that. And when lumbering giants like Willard and Firpo came at him u seen the results. Wlad has power and good size but  Jack Dempsey would chop him down like a tree within 5.

    Rocky Marciano because of being shorter 5'10 1/2 than most of his opponents, and lighter needed to train twice as hard to be the legend he was.

    His training was beyond legend, using 300 pound heavybags that he would hammer and they would move as if he was hitting a regular bag. Running up mountains then running backward down the mountains to build up his legs and stamina, shadowboxing in a pool throwing hundreds of punches, the list is endless.

    All this to prepare to fight larger men. Ezzard Charles said Rocky's chin was like hardened steel. And when people give Vitali props for his ''heroic'' battle against Lewis, for fighting with a cut eye I laugh! Try fighting with your nose split in half like the Rock did!!!! Or better yet do what the Rock did and hold it apart laughing after the fight!!

    Vitali has a better chin than Wlad and good heart. All of which ''The Brockton Blockbuster'' would rip out.

    People often argue that the old timers would not last against the athletes of today. In some cases thats true. But not in either of these cases.

    Rocky Marciano would fight past the jab of a man nearly a foot taller and hammer his ribs, bring down the body the head will follow and after a brutal battle Rocky wins by 7-10 round kayo.

    The Klitschko's could then take their P.H.D.'s and become vets at a animal hospital.

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