
Jack Dempsey(1920)vCassius Clay(1966)15 rounds heavyweight?

by Guest33386  |  earlier

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I believe the Clay of this period was an incredible fighter and gifted boxer,how would Dempsey cope with Clay before he slowed down in the 70's?




  1. Clay weighed more, was faster, but didn't hit as hard as Dempsey. . . . this would translate, however, to a late-round stoppage of Dempsey.  

    Dempsey would be quoted as saying, "this is why whites and blacks should not fight.  Someone always gets hurt".

  2. clay would have been too big too strong and way toofast for dempsey modern traing methods and diets would have all worked against dempsey , i believe if dempsey had lived in the same era as clay  he would  have given clay as hard  if not  harder fights thanfrazier  did  because he would have had modern methods to use and through evlolution  he would have been bigger and stronger than when he actually fought but putting this all to one side my answer is clay to win by tko

  3. Ali was too fast for Dempsey and had the chin to take Dempesy's punches (after all Ali was able to weather george foreman's best shots and foreman hit a lot harder than dempsey) moreover he was too big, he had the reach to keep dempsey away and the power to hurt him, this would look like another thrilla in manilla,but this time around dempsey would be the one taking all the punishement.

    Ali wins in the sixth round.

  4. This is an interesting fight because it would be a lot closer than you might think.  For starters the fight would have to take place during the later part of history.  We have rules today and they should be the same for both fighters.   I'm gonna do Clay 64.  Ali 66 was quite a different fighter.    

    First a few misconceptions about both fighters.  


    Jack Dempsey has a lotta KOs and he's the Toughest man who ever boxed:  

    True he has a lot of early KOs.  What people often leave out is that there was no standing 8 count during his time.    If he gets the first punch in,  chances are he's going to get the last.   He wasn't as tough as people give him credit for.  In addition to avoiding Black fighters (understandable during the time but not the only reason),  He also avoided Harry Greb.  

    Greb routinely beat Jack up in sparring until Tx Rickard politely asked Greb not to return as a sparring partner.    Rickard and Dempsey later turned down an offer to fight Greb.   Dempsey also admitted not wanting to fight Sam Langford,  not only for being Black but  "because he'd flatten me".  Jack's quote.


    Cassius Clay is the fastest hvt. who ever lived and is untouchable.......Plus he's too big for Dempsey.............and he can't punch.  

    When he chose to Clay could punch with decent power.   He's not in Jack's class but he doesn't have to be if he can hit and hurt his opponent.   Clay was not untouchable.   It's hard to hit him cleanly but some have reached him and Dempsey would too.    

    Ali had the best chin in boxing:  Another misconception.  Ali had ONE of the best.  Clay didnt.   He could be dropped. However, by 66 he was no longer Clay and had grown stronger.   IF you're talking before 64 he could be dropped if caught.  No easy feat.    

    CLAY: 6'3" 210lbs.

    DEMPSEY: 6'1" 193lbs.

    Given the height and body dimentions,  not a lot of difference here.   Dempsey would stalk, stalk stalk and lose the first 5-6 rounds.  Learning a pattern he would eventually catch Clay on the ropes and land a left-right combination and score a knockdown.  Clay didn't always take the 8 count.  Dempsey is on a very dazed Clay but he wisely holds on and escapes the round.  

    Dempsey wins the next two rounds nearly scoring another knockdown.  Clay wisely retreats and remains on his bicycle.  Dempsey becomes frustrated and committs a few fouls whenever he can get close enough.   Down the stretch he wins  a few more rounds but now enough for the win.

    Clay by decision.

    Now if you're talking All 66, closer to prime.   He was much stronger and mature but still as fast and could hurt you when he chose to plant his feet and punch.  Im talking about the Ali who CRUSHED Cleveland Williams.  Granted, Wms was past his prime with bullet wounds but still very formidable.  ALi totally dominated him.  

    ALI 66 by TKO in 12

  5. He would not cope because in Jack Dempsey's day boxers wore a lot lighter glove almost fists wrapped in soft leather. As fast as clays were he unfortunately cut jack to ribbons

  6. ali would outbox dempsey, but he would be made to work!

    ali by 10 round stoppage.

  7. Muhammad Ali would make Dempsey look like a heavybag with arms. Ali would tear Dempsey to shreds, this would be a fight were Ali would predict the round and carry Dempsey to that round and then knock him out.

    white folk at the time would have tried to lynch Ali from the stadium rafters for what he would do to Dempsey.

  8. Interesting match-up. I'd have to say Clay. Why? Glad you asked ... because of the unmatched hand and foot speed that clay possessed (incredible!) not to mention the incomparable skill that clay had at that time of his career. Dempsey was a BEAST no doubt but his style was tailor made (straight forward) for Clay. There was no way that Dempsey would have caught Clay, Dempsey would have been stalking Clay (unsuccessfully) while taking tremendous punishment!! Jabs, and damaging combinations would have ended the fight in 6 bloody rounds.

  9. The Manassa Mauler was tough as nails and fought from a crouch using a bob and weave technique in order to get inside and land hard punches to the head and body.  He was also quite fast and was great at cutting off the ring.  Muhammad Ali was easily the fastest heavyweight with both his hands and feet.  I honestly do not believe his trash talking before fights would have worked against Dempsey at all.  Dempsey would be dangerous especially early in the fight and possibly may even knock Ali down for a brief count.  Ali would wisely box and move as was his specialty and tie Jack up on the inside.  Dempsey would land some brutal body shots, but not enough.  Ali would simply land the higher volume of punches, stay out of harms way and win a close but unanimous decision in a good fight between two legendary fighters.  This would have been a fight a lot like his battles with Frazier in my opinion.

  10. In books I have read, Dempsey is rated far ahead of Clay. I go along with experts, not amateurs who have no good reasons for their opinions. Dempsey was the most aggressive boxer in the Marquis of Queensberry era. I have films of him fighting. He nearly killed giant Jess Willard to win the title, and Willard beat Jack Johnson who was a great boxer. Johnson could beat Clay. several people andd things are highly over-rated, e.g. Cassius Clay, Bruce Lee, Rolex watches, etc.

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