
Jack Johnson vs George Foreman

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Who would win. Both in their primes.




  1. People still tend to think of Jack Johnson as a master boxer.  He WAS a master "During His Time".  However, at that time, defense wasn't a learned art with the majority of boxers.  Johnson was one of the FEW who used defensive abilities.

    People also tend to compair Johnson to ALI.  They had very little in common with actual boxing style.  They had more in common with the role each played in American society.  Both were Black men who defied the rules of White America and made positive differences.  That's where the similarities end.  In terms of boxing styles,  Jack was more like a poor man's Larry Holmes than any version of ALI.

    People often look at Jess Willard in their chaims that Jack Johnson or Jack Dempsey could beat any of the later day fighters.  Willard was Clearly one of the WORST Hvt. champions.  Dempsey beat him easily but a middleweight could beat a man who can't hit back.  Willard was so slow a guy from the 4th row had a better chance of hitting Dempsey.  As for his victory over Johnson, if I have to go into that here you really need to study boxing history.  

    People compare Lennox Lewis and George Forman to Willard when they talk of Johnson or Dempsey vs later day fighters.  Forman and Lewis are 100 times better than Willard.  

    Styles make fights.  Jack had faster hands than Forman but he did NOT have the foot work of even the older ALI.  If you take the fighters "AS IS"  Forman is still smaller than Willard.  However, he was a much better fighter.  Also,  people tend to think George can not go past 8 rounds.   ALI TOOK George out of his game.  Not everyone has the kind of gile ALI had in pulling off such a task.  

    Jack can move but George would actually pace himself a bit better than he did aganist ALI.  Most of his fights were short but he did make the best of his tools before destroying his opponents.  George was totally unprepared for ALI's tactics.  ALI was "INSIDE" George's head.  Even Ref, Zack Clayton said he could not repeat the things ALI said to Forman.  

    I don't see Jack doing that, even though he was known for taunting.  Forman wasn't THAT easy to p**s off.  He was already pissed off when he entered the ring.   Until ALI, he was just able to use his anger and rage to his advantage.   ALI also had a psychological edge.  He was one of the few, at that time, who could look George in the eye.  I don't see Jack enjoying any psychological edges.

    Johnson would jab and move but George would be able to keep up with him.  He would force the fight to close quarters, forcing Johnson to tie him up often.  The problem is, here, George has the clear edge in strength.  On the way out of the clinches, George would score heavily.  He would begin to match Jack's jab in round 3.  He would also hurt Jack to the body and set him up for the later rounds.  

    Jack would have to fight a perfect, flawless fight in order to avoid being clobbered by a few of George's bombs.  A few is all it would take.  I don't see Jack avoiding many of them.  

    Forman by KO in 5

  2. Jack Johnson, i would say in his prime would have beaten all modern day contenders, including Ali

  3. IT's LIGHTS OUT for J.J.!  HE wouldn't even want to fight him!

  4. jack johnson speed power and the fact his hands had to be hard as steel . they had very little padding in those days. almost bare knuckle

  5. Foreman would crush both Jack Johnson and John Meyer.

  6. johnson would outbox, tie up, and frustrate foreman and stop him in 10 rounds if he wanted to.

  7. JJ would have been very fortunate to make it through the first round.

    No way he would have made it past three.

  8. The talent pool was very small when Jack fought. It's like comparing  highschool football state champs from division 5A and 1A.

    Foreman would beat Jack easily.


  9. Jack Johnson would most certainly win in his prime. In his prime, he was perhaps the greatest boxer in history. I have not heard any commentator say the same of Mr. Foreman. Ali vs Johnson, now that would be interesting.

  10. Foreman in his younger days began to tire after 6 rounds, so i'd say Jack Johnson would use his guile to stay in their long enough (like Ali did) to knock him out/ win by decision.

  11. george foreman

  12. jack johnson would win

    he'd bore foreman so much with his silly campfire-at-the-beach acoustic guitar drivel that foreman would knock himself out

  13. Jack Johnson wins.  He would tire George out and he would not be able to continue or get knocked out.  Remeber when Jack fought you would go sometimes 30 rounds or more.  Jack Johnson in my opinion is the most underated heavyweight of all time?

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