
Jack Tweed Jailed, Right Or Wrong?

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A judge jailed Jack Tweed and rejected Jade Goody's plea to spare him a prison sentence, leaving Jade, 27, to battle the killer disease without him at her side.

Was the Judge right? I think he was after all Jack and his mate beat a 16 yr old with golf clubs..

(I do feel for any cancer sufferer needing support but, Jade has other people to help her)




  1. i feel for her but the 2 are not connected, they arent married are they, so what diffierence would it make to the judge. they would only suspend a sentence if the person was an official carer or parent to someone

  2. me i think the dicision was the right one

  3. Girlnxtd - would you feel the same if it was your 16 year old son/brother.

    The law is the law no exceptions.

  4. Yes...he should have been jailed...the judge was right! Unfortunetely this guy is one of these who, quite wrongly has the notion that he is a 'celebrity' because of his connection with a 'celebrity'......and unfortunately, once again, Jade is a 'celebrity' again for all the wrong reasons.  

  5. That loser prick is no help and is only after one thing - her money if she pegs it.

    Lets hope he dies before she does

  6. Of course the judge was right, Jack Tweed must be a major cause of stress to her, the last thing she needs given her circumstances.

  7. My initial reaction without knowing the facts was that he should be jailed. But reading that the attack was on an abusive youth who had been making threats then I wonder what would have happened to the 16 year old youth if he had beaten Mr Tweed with a golf club - probably would have got a slap on the wrist. The law is an ***. You can't even stand up for your own anymore.

  8. Right

    Hes a brain dead thug.

  9. Absolutely 100% right... It's very sad that Jade has cancer but Jack beat a 16 year old with a golf club! He behaved like a thug and should be treated like one..otherwise what message would that send out to all the kids who watch these guys every move??

  10. Right.

    Tweed's an idiot.

  11. she really needs as much suppourt as possible..she has already said she is basically th mother to her own who else is there?..i think the judge should hav givin him a suspended sentance..

    edit: to kaz i am not saying that he should go without punishment..just tht it should be delayed!!!..being as he is currently caring for a single mother with cancer i think that counts as exceptional circumstances!

  12. I think the timing was extremely unfortunate. From what I read this happened in December 2006. The teenager who was hit over the head was thought to be part of a group who were always hanging around outside Jack's house shouting abuse. So there was definitely some provocation involved. It was wrong of Jack to take the bait, but he did. It's very sad that Jade will have to go though her treatment without him. It does seem harsh considering the circumstances now. Especially as he had just moved back in with Jade to support her and help care for her children. :-/

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