
Jack Wilshere a possibility to stay at Bolton?

by caddywack  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Is the young Arsenal player, on loan at Owen Coyle's outfit, likely to stay for part of next season?




  1. Sports_Guide
    That's what Coyle wants, even if the player has expressed a desire to return to the Emirates. Coyle reckons: "It is clear that Jack wants to be an Arsenal player - I love that about him, he's desperate to play in the Arsenal team. But if he wasn't going to be in the Arsenal team, I believe it would help myself, Jack and Arsenal to give me another six months. It would do him good staying with us and he would go back there bigger and stronger. All I'm saying is if Arsene and Arsenal don't think he will be playing regularly at the start of the season, give me another six months and I will give him back in January. I would love to keep him."

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