
Jacket is ruined after taking it to the dry cleaners. Help!?

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A while back I took one of my favorite jackets to the dry cleaners. It was a black fur hood jacket that looked something like this:

After I got it cleaned and put on my back would be covered in white hairs...and I'm not talking about a little about....but my back would be full of hair. I tried wiping it down but no matter how hard I try more and more hair gets on me. Someone even asked me if I had a pet cat after I removed my jacket!

Any advice? Please help me it's my favorite jacket and I haven't been able to wear it.




  1. Once you clean jackets like that they tend to shed t he feathers that are on the inside. But you can take it back to the cleaners and they will probably give you your money back or something. But it is kind of hot to be wearing that jacket dont you think

  2. omg! That jacket is sooo cute but i dont know how to help.... I REALLY WISH I DID!!!

  3. Sounds like the white cat that lived at the cleaners got sucked through the cleaning process with your coat.  The white hairs you are seeing are the last earthly remains of that cat.

    What I am wondering is what happened to the rest of the cat... paws, ears, feet, nose...

  4. take the jacket and the receipt back to the cleaner and speak with the manager.  in the future, take fur to a furrier.

  5. go complain

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