
Jackson who plays Jasper in Twilight movie dropped the ability to manipulate emotions???

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in an MTV interview for Twilight the Movie, Jackson Rathbone says that he made a decision that in the movie, his character would not have the ability to manipulate emotions. Is that true? Does that mean Jasper in the movie wont have that power? Also, ten points for a picture of Jasper with straightened hair.




  1. But that's the only reason for his presence in the first movie really...lame.


    there's a picture of him with straight hair, the first hairstyle they tried for the movie. all of the first promo pictures have it like that.

    i think he just tones it down and plays a broody, yearning for blood type of vampire in this movie rather than playing up the emotion changing. they'll play up the fact that he's not very controlled rather than his power.

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