Jacksonville Jaguars injury-riddled DT D'Anthony Smith returns to action after two-year delay – NFL News
Jacksonville Jaguars’ injuries-riddled defensive tackle D'Anthony Smith hopes for a smooth progression of his pro career, which is yet to kick start in real terms, irrespective of the fact the player is returning on the field into his third year of the National
Football League (NFL) stint.
It is a rather unfortunate beginning to the player’s pro league career as different consecutive injuries have cost him the complete two years of it. He first suffered the Achilles tendon that made him sit out the 2010 season and then toe injury pushed him
on the sidelines for the entire 2011season.
He is reported to be 100 percent and raring to return to action, finally. So while he is already a three-year veteran, this year will actually prove to be his rookie appearance on the field.
Smith nevertheless is hopeful of maintaining his fitness and form throughout.
He said:
"I'm playing with a sense of eagerness. I'm ready to get into this rotation with Terrance and Tyson. It feels great to be healthy. I've been waiting a long time for this, back to 2010."
Apparently, the player said he had recovered from his toe injury by middle of the past season but could not understand the team’s choice to leave him on the sidelines.
He was injured during the Jaguars’ preseason campaign, after playing three games. The Jaguars placed him on the injured reserve list and he stayed there for the whole year in spite of his recovery claim.
While admitting it was a period of frustration for him, he said:
"They wanted to go the conservative route and it was their call. It was tough because I felt I could have played the second half, maybe more."
Now he returns to changed Jaguars side, as during his absence last season the team got new owner, new coach and some other staff. It is for the first time that the player is working at training camp under the new coach, as his previous two camps were under
supervision of former coach Del Rio.
Smith’s return is backed by defensive line coach Joe Cullen, and all stakeholders are hopeful of consistency in his health and fitness in the future.