
Jacob imprinting on nessie? Anyone dissapointed?

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I did not even finish reading the book and I am so dissapointed rigt now. How could stephenie do this? I loved jacbs POV but after that I hated it. jacob imprinitng on nessie? WTF?!? Disgusting! And then bella gets all mad blaming him. like its his fault?!? Honestly I dont think i even want to finish the book. If bella ended up with jacob none of this c**p would have happened. Stephenie has lost her mind. I am now a dissapointed fan. bella isnt even herslef anymore after she turned into a vampire. And she apparently hates jacob now. I thought she was in love with him. Just like jacob in love with bella. God I just wanna burn this book. I hate it how jacob gets the crappy side of the story if you know what i mean. Anyone else dissapointed by this?




  1. How can you you be dissappointed? Jacob was in love with Bella, but couldnt have her for himself; it is good that he will have a part of her in the form of Nessie!

  2. i know i hate it too. i love jacob. i hate breaking dawn i hate bella i hate edward

  3. i agee with you up to a point. i got extremly mad at this and then bella got mad at him, but , not to ruin it for you she gets used to it after and understands whats happening after awhile

  4. That was really weird.

  5. i agree, i thought how he imprinted on renesme was a little disturbing. but i'm happy that she loves edward more. ew! wtf, if she liked jacob more i would not even read that book! also i hate the nickname (nessie) jacob gave renesme.

  6. i wasn't dissapointed because now jacobs happy and bellas happy that they can just be friends

  7. I know, right? Really. One big, huge WTF.

    I mean, what happened to Jacob and Bella's love? It just...disappeared! They were connected! They were involved with each other! They were deeply in love! And now...all gone! Like dust being blown away.

    And I hate Bella's new personality. I liked her MORE (I have to admit) when she was human! She just turned into a very conceited b*tch. Vain. ...very unlike herself.

    I'm disappointed Jake HAS to imprint on that sad excuse for a half breed baby. Ew. I know, she could make him happy and live forever as  immortals and blah blah blah all that Twilight sh*t but...hello?! Where is the sense in that?!

    Oh, I forgot. Nothing that Stephenie Meyer writes EVER makes sense.  What a r****d that woman is. There wasn't even ONE THING exciting in the book. No climax. No plot. No battle. No nothing. One whole book...700+ pages of utter c**p.

    Well, congratulations, STEPH. You have just RUINED your series. And the other three books, they were even kind of decent.

    I hate Breaking Dawn. I suggest you read some fan fics...they're a LOT better.

  8. ok first of all, stephenie meyer can't make everyone happy. she did write this for herself.

    Bella changed so much because in less than a month, she was a married woman with a child and was changed into a vampire! of course she wouldn't be the same Bella.

    Ok if you finish reading it, Bella realizes that it wasn't his fault and is ok with it. she was just in shock! i mean she just found out that he imprinted on her daughter, really! i would be too.

    I loved this book! I thought that it was really good and I felt closure at the end.  I think that people like you are going to extremes when you say you want to burn it. Just because it wasn't how you wanted it to end!

  9. Don't burn it, return it.

  10. It ended how the story was always supposed to end. Jacob was meant to imprint on nessie, and besides, Stephenie Meyer's telling their story, not you.

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