
Jade Goody is her PR team at it again?

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Would any Doctor not be breaking the Hippocratic oath to divulge someones medical condition without the consent of the patient?

Also, who in their right mind would want their condition highlighted to the world. I smell a rat.




  1. Lets live and let live ok ,

  2. i agree

  3. I was thinking this. I mean, who would go into big brother, knowing that somethings wrong with you, shes been passing out for ages, so you just wouldnt. Also, who would let the world see you being told this horrible news? I know i wouldnt. I would want to keep this personal matter as private as possible...and wouldnt want it on the internet so everyone can see your reaction to hearing this.

    Dont get me wrong though, although im not a fan, i do feel sorry for her. No one deserves to have to go through this, and i hope she gets better soon.

  4. It's called the sympathy vote. I do feel sorry for her, but how tasteless to announce it in front of millions of strangers. Tacky.

  5. I'm pretty sure most 'celebrities' don't necessarily want their personal health issues highlighted to the world

  6. It's not the rat that makes her stink.

  7. and if she has got cancer and that PR also?

  8. I'm not saying this goes for all celebrities, of course I'm not, but there comes a time in some famous peoples lives when things in their life or career are slowing down or not going as well, or are as glamorous as they were at the peak of their time, and they will do just about anything to cling to their fame, and to stop falling further. These things will include letting loose every bit of mindless tat about their lives into the public field, health problems, family problems, and I'm quite sure some also deliberately get into drugs so they can publicise their rehab treatment.

    Jade is one of those desperately trying to get anything about her life into the public eye, because when it boils down to it, she is not talented in any way, she’s not some glamour icon, she has nothing really to offer other than being exploited by the media and being made a fool of for our amusement. That might sound cruel but it’s the truth.

    Most celebrities, (not those who elevate to superstardom and are genuinely talented), but those who are just the meat and veg of the showbiz world, have a finite amount of time in the public eye before new faces replace them and the cycle begins again. Some of them find it hard to accept this.

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