
Jail Time....?

by  |  earlier

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I was caught driving with a suspended license. The punishment is 48hrs in jail. I know I'm going to have to do 48 hrs because the Judge is known to give it. Has anyone done jail time and can tell me what i can expect? I'm freaking out!




  1. 48 hours will go by fast. You are not doing time for a violent crime or some other terrible thing so you willnot be put in with other prisioners who committed violent crimes or who may be the scary types you worry about taking a shower with.

    Keep a low profile, keep your mouth shut, dont take sides on any issues that come up bewteen the other will go by fast, bring a few good books,,if Paris Hilton can do it, so can you.

  2. 48hr is not going to go fast, all you will do is watch the clock. try to sleep it off and think about stuff you need to do when you get out.

    Heck no, you cant bring mags or a book. This is a punishment not relaxation. I wish jails did allow magazines or books.
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