
Jail for wreckless driving? please help?

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So today I went to court for a wreckless driving in Virginia going 93 in a 55. When I faced the judge she asked if i wanted an atorny and another court date, which is on september 29 because i have a possibilty of going to jail for up to 90 days if found guilty. I am 18 years old from maryland going to college in a couple weeks. I have gotten another ticket during the winter for 77 in a 55 with 2 points on my license. I recently went to driving improvment school for that. When I was in court 4 people in the same situation as me were facing the same sentence, and 3 of them we sent off to jail (those 3 were way older adults in the the 30 to 50 age range) What is the possibilty that I will go to jail? And how do i lower my chances of going to jail?


If I do go to jail I will be kicked out of school




  1. .  You aren't going to jail.  You are young.  Dress nice and be respectful. I hope you don't have 25 tattoos.  School doesn't care about speeders.

  2. I would say that the probability that you spend time in jail is about 95%. You had a chance to lower your chances when you were sent to driving improvement school for the previous offense. Apparently, you failed that particular course. Maybe the next school they send you to - county lockup - will help you learn. Please avoid a third offense. Penalties tend to become more severe with repeated offenses.  

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