
Jail sentence for dwi #2 / child endangerment

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if this is a state jail felony are you eligable for early release and how long a sentence on those charged. Will judge be understanding about me turning my life around and not seperating me from my child again




  1. YOU separated yourself form your child - not to mention all the people you could have killed. What if you killed some other mom's three children? Would you feel bad about separating them? Twice you got caught? So how many times have you really done this?! With your child in the car? You deserve whateverer you get.

  2. No one knows what the judge is going to say except the judge.

  3. no early release from a state jail felony (Texas I assume?) the range is from 180 days to 2 years with any sentence having to be served day for day.  Certainly any judge will take into consideration how you have changed your life but if the crime is inherently "bad" (e.g. you killed or hurt someone), the judge might not

  4. Come on....this is your SECOND DWI and you think you will be able to convince the judge you will turn your life around?    I bet you got probation and maybe a slap on the wrist the first time.  You got a second chance.  Now you are asking for a third chance?

    Fool me once, shame on you,  fool me twice,  shame on me.  

    If I were the judge I would give the kid to his father for a year while you prove you can keep dry and sober.  

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