
Jail time for cheaters?

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Would you personally? or do you think anyone would support jail time for a cheating husband or wife? Do you think that could curve the high divorce rate? just curious




  1. I agree with the rest of the answers, cheaters should be punished but not by serving jail time.  

  2. I think that's too extreme.  Should there be jail time for the person that was cheated on for picking the wrong person to trust?  I don't think so.

  3. would you like to go to jail for cheating? I didn't think so. In the middle east cheaters are stoned to death. today jail, tomorrow stoning. come on folks.

  4. I am all for jail time for cheaters. People would think twice about getting married if there was a law against cheating.

  5. thats absurd. maybe something moses would do.

  6. There is no room in the jails for this...What they could do is have a heavy fine, first time 500 dollars, 2nd 1000 dollars, 3rd 2000 and so many hours of community service.

  7. Sorry, I find your question a little humorous.  There are too many cheaters out there, how would you prove it, and already over populated prisons.  Could you imagine??? LOL

  8. I don't believe imposing jail time or fines or anything else will stop spouses from cheating, similar to how jail time hasn't stopped people from committing crimes or taking drugs. If you give them inch they'll take a mile.

    So the courts have it right, by abolishing laws that punish cheaters, because so many people do it that the courts would be bankrupt from all the cases. Plus, cheating is something that should be handled within a relationship and not in court.

  9. Good grief...NO! Even shop lifters are not jailed.  People who do the cheating are only 1/2 of the problem....why are they cheating? What responsibility does the spouse have?  

  10. Nah, just leave, hon.

  11. No I don't think that could curve the high divorce rate because in the end you would get a divorce any way.If we put every cheating husband or wife in jail we would have to put the boyfriends and girlfriends in there too. Don't you think there is enough people in jail over other things that cheating.Look the world is fall of cheaters you want to pay to make more jails to put them in?Look husbands and wife's cheat because there is something wrong with the marriage fix that before you think of jail time.We all think it some just go beyond thinking.

  12. sounds interesting to detour ppl..but how would it be proved? what classifies cheating? flirting, a kiss, or just full out s*x? there would be too many stipulations, but also, like others said, what if the person cheated cause of something their spouse did (or didnt) do...

    interesting debate though...

  13. suzie is right. What fault does the partner have in it?I am a cheater and i guess i would be pretty screwed!I am not married though!

  14. the jails are already packed with REAL criminals!!!  Cheaters may be idiots, but that's just a fact !

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