
Jail time for non payment of child support in the state of michigan

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Jail time for non payment of child support in the state of michigan




  1. I live in L.A. but am originally from Michigan.  I recognize a question, when I see one, and your statement isn't a question.  Are you the one avoiding payment, or the one not getting payment?  

  2. So what you're trying to say is that you won't pay if there's no punnishment? That doesn't make no sense, it just shows that maybe you don't lve your child.

  3. The Constitution does not allow for jail for a debt.

    They typically guarnish and suspend any and all state issued licenses.

    The only way that jail is possible is if it goes to court and they are ordered to pay, and they do not, they can go to jail for contempt of court.

    So, if you are owed, good luck.

    If you owe, do what is right and pay for your child.

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