
Jail time?!?

by  |  earlier

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My friend went to jail for "reckless general", he took off from a stoplight to fast. He DID NOT spin the tires, the cop heared him "accelerating to hard". Just motor noise sent him to jail for two days! Do you think that's a little harsh? It was Va Beach police, there are really strict!




  1. WOW! talk about harsh.  Can your friend find out if he can do something to fight that? it sounds to me too harsh..

  2. that is way too harsh I'm from TX and over here we only

    would of gotten a warning

  3. VA SUCKS i live there too and i HATE it its cuz they are a commen wealth (idk if thats right) they are always unfair

  4. does he have a lincese how could he go to jail

    without seeing a judge? maybe he only in jail untll he

    see the hudge (it was  a holiday weekend and the courts

    are closed)

    the cops cant send him to jail only the judge can do that

    the cops can put him in holding cell but thats not jail

  5. that does sound a little harsh... my bf did three days for a d.w.i and reckless...and your friend didnt even do anything really ive actually had a lady yell at me because she thought i was driving too fast. i was going 20mph and she only heard my intake. sucks.
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