
Jamaica / HDI?

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hi am doing a project on the pauverty of a country / jamaica as well as mesuring the HDI and i was just wondering is jamaica in general a rich country or more of a poor country??Because most of the stats are almost the same as canada except for the money made by each inhabitant per year.




  1. It was more of a poor country because thats where they put people for slavery.

  2. jamaica is sadly mostly a poor country.even though it is decreasing because of cash plus:)

  3. Jamaica is a 3rd world country, according to my Jamaican sources. The economy in Jamaica is poor-there are plenty of educated people willing/and wanting to work but there aren't enough jobs available for the working class. Jamaicans are very resourceful people and can find legal ways of making money that aren't typical in most other areas,i.e. dressmaking is a lost art in the States, but very respected in Jamaica. Independent taxi services are abundant in Jamaica, but where I live in the States we don't even have a taxi service, there are jerk huts and pottery stands that bring revenue from tourists. Rate of pay is expectionally low -what one makes for the month there, an American makes in a week (depending on equal job comparison).  In response to the other post of Cash Plus, there are plenty Jamaicans within their country that benefit from this investment, it's not only from international investors. Jamaicans live in homes, have cars, water, electricity, etc. everything we have in the States. What they may not have in material posessions, they by far exceed what others have in their spirit and soul.
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