For the all people who say's Jamaica is a bad place to live. I have some Questions for you.With all the stabbings in London and all over the UK.Are you scared of your life when walking in the streets of London at night.With some news paper saying dont go south of the River Thames,and some Europeon countries warning their Citizen dont go to the UK.How do you fell about that? Because as something happen in Ja every one who's NOT Ja'can quick to stay how bad and dengerous our Proud lovely Island of Ja is,look in your own back yard first before you slag off other countries.Look at the two French student who got killed for their play station,if that did happen in Jamaica,the media and the whole of England would be telling people not to go Jamaica,so why,are they not telling people dont go to London.Jamaica get one million British tourist each year,so dispite what ever they are saying about our country,we are the number one Caribbean destination for the Brit's.