
Jamaica - which area to stay?

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I am going to Jamaica for a week in march 08. Which is best area to stay: Montego Bay, Negril, Kingston, Ocho Rios?

Interested in: proximity to nice beach (but not spend 100% of time on beach), nature, cultural activities, sightseeing (would be nice if anyone can recommend good sights).

Dont care much for: clubs / nightlife, shopping

This is my first time in caribbean - must i have all inclusive or regular hotel will do?






  1. nergril it is beautiful i had a friend who went their for their wedding and loved it.

  2. Try nausau

  3. ocho rios is the best place to go, ochi has all that you are looking for.

  4. It sounds like you want to get and experience the culture and sights so stay away from the all-inclusives. Way to expensive and because you pay so much you are less likely to leave. I've always stayed in little hotels and guesthouses. If your not really into clubbing or nightlife, and want a slower pace with some natural beauty,  look into Treasure Beach.

  5. For the things you want to do, I'd recommend Ocho Rios (Ochi).  It's a good blend of those activities.  I would also go for a regular hotel.  I don't care much for all-inclusives as they don't encourage you to actually learn about Jamaica and Jamaicans...guests are given a very 'touristy' view.  For cultural activities I recommend OUTAMENI and Bob Marley's birthplace - NINE MILES.  I would skip Dunn's River even though it is in Ochi and go to YS Falls in St.'s in a much more natural state and less crowded.  You could use a day and go on the Black River Safari as well!

    If you are interested my tour company could handle your transportation...www.coolrunningstoursja...  Drop us an e-mail if you'd like.

  6. montego bay

  7. Montego Bay good

  8. An all-inclusive is nice because you can have an escape from aggressive street/beach vendors.  You can venture out to see beautiful sites, then come "home" to relax.

    I like the beach at Negril, but the natural sites along the northern coast are more spectacular.  Ocho Rios would be my choice.

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