
Jamaican cuisine???

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do jamaicans eat jerk chicken on particular holidays or just as an everyday thing and is there different types of cuisine in different parts of jamaica




  1. Jerked pork and chicken is eaten all year around. About your second question, not really, but there are certain famed restaurants and places to eat for different types of food rather than regional.

  2. Jerk chicken, pork, and fish are very common in Jamaica. My step dad goes there quite a bit. He actually brings back bottles of jerk seasoning. It is amazing! But Jamaica has other types of food including a lot of seafood, goat, and fruit/vegetable type dishes.

  3. I am a former chef and happened to have worked at a resort in Jamaica, Jerk is a cooking method used for chicken, pork, sausage and sometimes fish this is done in steak form and is used for a number of other dishes.

    As for the time of year, Jerk Huts are around the island and now in the US and Canada quite regularly now, the spices/marinades are basically the same and the hot pepper sauce made by the vendors can vary, not in flavour but heat levels, it is just scotch bonnet peppers, salt, onions and vinegar.

    Not much of cuisine difference in Jamaica, as the growing conditions are the same, and the meat and fish there is pretty well the same all around there are some specialties from the Arawak tribe the original inhabitants to the island before the British and the slaves were brought from Africa, alot of Jamaican cuisine today is still based on the African influences brought there when the Brits shanghied the slaves to harvest the sugar cane crops in the 1700's.
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