
Jamaicans! Do you enjoy living in Jamaica? or would you rather live in the United States?

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This question is for anyone who is currently residing in Jamaica! Do you enjoy living in Jamaica?or would you rather live abroad in the US?I would love to live in Jamaica! my boyfriend lives there! Most people think I am crazy and tell me the economy there is very difficult! I understand that,but the economy in the United States is not so hot either! I figure I may as well live where it is peaceful and the water is turqouise,not black like in New York! There is a lot of stress here,and the winters are freezing!I am in the medical field.Any one agree or disagree? What are your viewpoints regarding living in Jamaica.versus living in the US?I am curious as to what some of you think.Thanks!




  1. Let me tell you the real deal, it is a nice place to live, alot of parties, nightlife and good food. But you have to ewatch your back and don't get caught in the wrong places at the wrong time. I just got back yesterday and feel a bit relieved i'm back in the more opportunities and safety here in the US. If you are there(jam), police aren't gonna necessarily protect you(like in the US, you can just dial 911 and they will come) if someone threatens you there you are basically on your own, the police are not reliable nor do they seen to want to be. down there has more anarchy. murder rate is too high for such a small place(although colombia has over 24000 homicides their population is way more -44million). I mean almost1000 for the year so far for a place with 2.6-2.9 million ppl. you can live there you just have to know where you can go, and where you can't....ok

  2. Jamaica and the United States has it's advantages and disadvantages. No where is perfect. It depends on where you are in life and what you value. I am Mandeville one of the quieter cities which is also pretty developed. I love it there. As most people already mentioned that it's even better when you have some money that can afford you a better standard of living.  

  3. Living in Jamaica has its advantages.This is especially so if you already have a bit of money or decent job.

    For me, i wouldn't even CONSIDER living as far north as New York. Its just too cold. It would be a choice between Florida and Jamaica.

    The BIGGEST advantage with Jamaica is social loopholes. Things happen in Jamaica on a daily basis that would land you in prison or with a citation or a ticket in the US. You don't have to worry as much about the IRS auditing you, since there is much less precision in our tax system.

    Living on the USA also has its advantages: higher education, income levels, some medical services.

    To me, it all depends on where you are in life and what you value most.  

  4. well to be truely honest living in Jamaica requires alot of money and things out here is not as offordable as in the U.S.By sayin this in saome way if ur thinking peacful Jamaica is the rught place.If ur worrie about money then no.i  love living in Jamaica because i love my country and would not trade it in for the world

  5. i live in trench town and yea its the slum but like with any place u live its ur home and no matter where you go its just not the same

  6. I have never really lived anywhere else but it is on my agenda to live somewhere else for at least 2 years before I reach 25. I don't have much time left!

    I like Jamaica so far but I am sure I could manage somewhere else. All my immediate family is here so I do not think I would be able to call another place home.

  7. Yes!

    No, I wouldn't rather live in the States. I love my country, there's no place like home, really.

    And as the persone above me said, living somewhere else would just not be the same

  8. All of my family live in Jamaica and they enjoy living over there sometimes they come to the U.S. to spend time with my other half of my family that live in the u.s.!

    but my family do enjoy visiting the u.s.!

  9. i have to say jamaica i was born i jamaica but i live in the us im like 13 and jamaica makes me feel free in the us your parents are always watching you like crazy

    well for me

  10. im not jamaican but i used to live in kingston and trust me the poverty in jamaica is very ruff and you havent seen anything like that in the usa the usa is very rich and you will see that when you go to jam 80 percent of the people are in abject poverty, jamaica has the highest murder rate in the western world there is alot of racism towards whites there,  the country has big problems however things can be good if you are bale to start a good buissness there, and yes the weather is warm but can get very hot hope you have a air conditioner mind you there are brutal hurricanes that kill people if you are in the medical feild you can find a good job there that is needed but there are few jobs in jam, it can be a good place if you live in the right area and stay around the right people and you have enough money but trust me i have lived in jamaica and the usa and i love bother places but the usa is a very good place to live jamaica can be if you have the right resources but it is a hard place to live i hope you have alot of money or alot of strenght or both i knew many people that have been murdered there

  11. jamaica is very pretty,it has a great beaches,and they dance as Altin-Americans.

  12. I was born and raised and still living in Jamaica and I have travelled to the U.S. but Jamaica is where I want to be. People say Jamaica is poor but that is somewhat of a misconception, just like like anywhere else in the world you have good places and you have ghettos. Don't listen to people, come and try it out for yourself. I LOVE Jamaica.

  13. I think it all depends on how you live in Jamaica. What I mean by this is, if you live in a poorer area, and your struggles are greater economically and socially then you would be dying to get away. If you live in an area in Jamaica where  you are not exposed to the poverty that plagues poorer areas, plus you have ALL the luxuries that one may have in the states, then why would you leave Jamaica?

    I love Jamaica and live(d) a great live in Jamaica and would never fore-sake Jamaica. I travel back and forth between Jamaica and Miami and think that living in the states is harder than living in Jamaica. In the states most people can't afford and dont have helpers but, in Jamaica its common. In the states most kids have to come home and lock up inside til all 6pm when their parents come home. Personally I think we live way better in Jamaica than here, we have pople washing and cooking for us, whereas here we are struggling to stay afloat. Lets be real most Jamaicans come to the states fi drink milk not to turn inna cow!!!!!!

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