
James Kirkland to undergo should surgery – Boxing News

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James Kirkland to undergo should surgery – Boxing News
James Kirkland, who defeated Carlos Molina on Saturday night through a controversial 10th round disqualification decision, suffered a shoulder injury and is now due to get it operated.
Kirkland’s co-manager Michael Miller said on the occasion that the pugilist suffered two raptures in his right shoulder and will go through an arthroscopic surgery by Dr. Phil Jacobs. He added, “James was complaining after the fight about his right shoulder
a lot. James is the epitome of a non-complainer so I was thinking there has to be something to it. I said if it's just sore, that's one thing. But if it's really hurting on Sunday, call me. James called me on Sunday and said it was hurting him like crazy."
According to Miller, the injury might have been there right from the start of the fight and that might have been a reason for Kirkland’s poor performance. Molina had dominated the fight on one scorecard while on the other one Kirkland was winning. The fight
ended up when Molina’s corner entered the ring while the referee was counting down on Molina. The decision soon became controversial since most analysts were of the view that Molina will win it.
Miller further said that the doctor said there was some damage and some parts of the shoulder needed to be tightened up, adding that it should be a 45-minnute surgery on an outpatient basis. He added that Kirkland is supposed to be at the hospital by noon
and the surgery will start at 1 and then he will be done by 5. He added, “He'll have his arm in a sling for three weeks, and then after that he's supposed to have a two-month physical therapy regimen.”
According to Jacobs, the doctor, Kirkland will need three months to recover and only after that he will be able to step into the ring again. Miller also revealed that the doctor had immediately reckoned something wrong in James’ shoulder before even performing
the MRI.
For now, there is no update on when will Kirkland be fighting next. After the surgery, he will not be able to be in a bout for the next 3 months



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